Chapter XI - The Knights vs A Mage and Assassin

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3rd Person POV

We currently see Lance, Artoria and Igraine face against Medea and Kazuki... Well, it's just Artoria who decided to go in head first...

Artoria: Hah!

Artoria unsheathing Clarent immediately, jumped and performed a big downward slash, in which Medea dodged and when it hit the floor, the floor blew up into a small-sized crater, Medea took this chance to attack Artoria by sending in a volley of magical attacks, Artoria prepared Clarent but was not prepared for the speed of the Magic attack as it ended up hitting her sending her back a few meters away.

Igraine took this chance and attacks Medea, managing to catch Medea off guard but still managed to dodge, now Igraine stood in front of Artoria holding her version of Excalibur sheathed in Invisible Air

Igraine: Artoria you go ahead and take on Kazuki, this woman is clearly a skilled mage

Artoria:... Thanks for that... Damn that hurt... Good thing I managed to summon my armour on time... And sure! I'll take on Mr Kazuki!

Artoria then dashed towards Kazuki who is just standing still

Artoria: En garde, Drama Teacher! Hah!

Artoria performs a sideways slash at Kazuki

Kazuki: Hmph... Allow me to teach you the meaning of Drama... Artoria

And as if it was the greatest trick in all of history, Kazuki manages to catch and hold Clarent in between his left kneecap and left elbow, with some purple light glowing from his elbow and knee

Artoria/Lance: ! Nani!

Kazuki: Judging from your confused looks, you questioning yourselves how I, a seemingly normal-looking human manage to catch a fast sword swing... Well, let me tell you a little secret of mine... It is because I am an assassin

Artoria/Lance: 'An Assassin?! We had been in close proximities to an expert assassin?! That is friends with a good mage?!'

Kazuki then releases his hold on Clarent and does a few backsteps before his body is encased in purple colour then immediately running behind Artoria at a very fast speed catching both Artoria and Lance off guard, then Kazuki does a downward hammer fist successfully hitting Artoria's nape

Artoria: Agh!

Artoria immediately went back on her defensive position while heavily breathing, and with her nape bleeding she is now slowly getting lightheaded thanks to the loss of blood, though she nor anyone else wouldn't notice it thanks to her armour

Artoria: The hell?! How did blow get past my armour?! Damn it... Must stay strong...

Lance: The hell? Is he getting reinforced by the mage?

Igraine: He is...

Lance: My Que- eh I mean Igraine! You're bruised up!

Igraine: *Heavy breathing* These two are a deadly combo... She is an exceptional mage I'll tell you that and added to the fact she is also reinforcing Kazuki tells me we aren't winning this one... We came unprepared for this fight...


Igraine: Lance, go help Artoria I got the mage

Lance: But Igraine you're injured!

Igraine: I'm just bruised up, unlike Artoria who is clearly the one badly injured here... I can handle myself so go!

Lance: Right!

Lance then runs into Artoria and Kazukis position, and while on the way thinking about how to fight the expert assassin

Lance: 'Dammit I cant use Arondight here... That thing is filled to the brim of Holy Magic... Mine isn't like Clarent which isn't even a Holy sword and unlike Excalibur which the King and Queen have, have Invisible Air, making it impossible to sense the Holy energy radiating from it... Just a second of Arondight unsheathed will immediately be sensed by the devils here... Wait a minute... Oh, I'm so dumb...'

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