Chapter X - The Presence of the Fake Excalibur and meeting The Assassin

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3rd Person POV:

We currently see Uther, Igraine, Artoria and the Knights running to Kuoh Academy

Artoria: Hey father I'm going on ahead

Uther: Yeah you do that just don't show yourself to anyone thats there

Artoria: Yeah sure

Igraine: Just be careful

Artoria: Thanks mother

Lance: Artoria can you bring us with you?

Artoria: I don't know never tried it before... So why don't we test it out?

Lance: Test it out—

Artoria suddenly princess carries Lance and red lightning begins to appear around her

Artoria: Get ready Lance because I am about to go 100% MAXIMUM—NO CHILL!!!

Lance: HEY WAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa—

Artoria zooms past everyone while princess carrying Lance






Tristan:... Did he just get princess carried? The Lance that we know that is a womaniser just got princess carried by the princess?

Angra: That's your concern? Shouldn't we be thinking about who has plastic on them? Because I'm sure he will need one

Ban: He's got a point...

Tristan:... Screw off

Igraine: *sighs* Nows not the time to be fighting each other!

The Knight's minus Lance: Yes my Queen!


Igraine notices Uther is silent

Igraine: Hey Uther... You alright?

Uther: Huh? Uh yeah... Yeah, I'm alright...

Igraine:... Are you sure?

Uther: Yeah I was just thinking of something

Igraine: Alright then

Uther:... 'what was that just now?'

In Uther's Mindscape - What he was getting confused at

"... -Is that you?"

"F#ck you ______!—You and your—Faggotry!!!"

"What Faggot!?"

"Now that was rude—"


Back in Reality

Uther: 'Was that Lance?' It's probably nothing...

Igraine:... Care to enlighten us with what you were thinking? It's clear that somethings bothering you

Uther looks around and notices everyone staring at him

Uther:... *sighs* I said I was just thinking of something

Igraine: Uh-huh...

Uther: let's just hurry up... Pretty sure Artoria and Lance are there already and waiting

A few minutes later, they've arrived at Kuoh Academy and sees Artoria and a groaning Lance, Glenn walks up to Lance and gives him plastic

Glenn: Here Lance *gives plastic*

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