Chapter XIV-I - Excalibur

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3rd Person POV

Igraine: If someone does know the truth about us...

Uther: It will only be a matter of time before we are exposed to the entirety of the Supernatural world... And if that happens...

Igraine: People will come after us...

Uther:... Igraine... You mentioned the Mage's Association earlier... What did you want to tell us?

Igraine: The Mage's Association is gonna be a danger to us if they ever find out who we are

Tristan: What do you mean by that, my Queen?

Angra: Yes, I second that question

Igraine: If they ever find out who we are, they will come to us, and if they find out of our powers, they will with no doubt put a Sealing Designation on us all, they will try and take us to their home base at all cost and research on us to try and replicate our power

Artoria: They can try, but they will fail as we have the power to destroy them

Ban: Artoria... Having the power to scare them will work... But that will never stop people from trying nonetheless

Artoria: Hmph... You'll see, I'll stop them from ever trying

Ban:... You say that yet you didn't stop from rebelling against the King, knowing full well that the King has more power than you, and where did that lead you?


Uther: '*sighs* That... Was a little harsh...'

Igraine, then pats Artoria's head to reassure her: That time has passed, and we should be thinking of our future

Ban nods in acknowledgment

Uther:... Igraine, explain what you mean about the Sealing Designation

Igraine nods at him

Igraine: Sealing Designations are edicts handed down by the Mage's Association to maintain and protect special magical abilities which cannot be acquired through study. Said to be a title of the "greatest honor", those marked are deemed "precious", causing the Association to mobilize the greatest effort to secure their flesh and blood, their body's potential. Among magi, few know how Sealing Designated Magi are preserved: the brain, and nerves are extracted and pickled in preservation fluid. So all in all... Having said Designation... Is basically a death sentence to everyone... Even us

Uther:... We will be in a tight spot then... Not only will we have to protect ourselves from anyone from the supernatural, be it gods, devils or dragons... We will have to protect ourselves from humans as well...

Angra: Human Greed has not shrunk as our time passed... Guess that is what makes us human to begin with...

Glenn: A mages greed is far worse than that of a normal human as they will do anything for power...

Tristan: It disgusts me that this is how low humanity or more specifically the Supernatural side of humanity has gotten just to obtain more power... Even if it's to protect the rest of humanity... But what's stopping the mages from leaving the oblivious humans behind to threats they didn't know exists?

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