Chapter II - Knowing our home

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Kuoh Academy
Student Council

Sona Pov:

Me: Mr. Uther, so you will be the new History Teacher and your first class is 2-A so here is your schedule, and Artoria your class section is Class 2-A same as your father's, and here is your class schedule.

Uther: Thanks, so can we get a tour or someone to take us to our rooms?

Me: Yes, Ruruko can you escort these two to their classroom, please.

Ruruko: Yes President, please follow me.

Uther and Artoria leaves for their class

Me: 'well tough luck, no magic signature in them' *sigh* 'I already have a bad feeling about Artoria, I just hope she doesn't start any trouble... I need a rest.'

Uther 'Arthur' Pov:

Me: 'Well that went smooth I guess, I just hope Mordred doesn't start any trouble, and-'

Ruruko: We have arrived.

Me: 'well, we're already here.' Thanks, I'll go in first then I'll call on you Artoria.*goes in*

Artoria 'Mordred' Pov:

Me: Okay then.

Ruruko: And before I go Artoria.

Me: What is it?

Ruruko: Watch out for the Perverted Trio alright? see ya.

Me: Thanks for the warning.

Issei Pov:

Matsuda: Hey have you guys heard were having a new student and teacher?

Motohama: I hope their both sexy girls heheh~

Me: And if they are girls I hope they have big breasts

Uther enters the classroom

The class: *silence*

Uther: Hello everyone, my name is Uther Maxwell, and starting today I will be your new History teacher and before I start let me introduce to you your new classmate, come on in.

Me: 'awww man the teacher is a guy, *sigh* well last chance please be a girl'

As Artoria enters, the boys all silently cheered for having another pretty girl in the class

Artoria: Hi my name is Artoria Maxwell, things you should know about me is that I don't like perverts, hope we get along.

The class takes in the information and...

The Class: 'Wait Maxwell? isn't that the teacher's last name?'

Aika: What's your relationship with the teacher?

Artoria: Huh? oh well, he's my father why'd you ask?

Aika: Oh nothing it's just you both have the same last name.

The Boys: 'Sh*t just our luck the new girl is here with his father as our teacher... DAMN YOU LIFE!!!!'

Artoria: Ok?

Uther: Ok take a seat to any vacant chairs you see.

Artoria finds and sits in an empty chair... right next to Issei...

Me: Hey my name's Issei Hyoudou, nice to meet you.

Artoria: Oh nice to meet you too I guess.

Me: My dream is to be a Harem King, what's yours?

Artoria: Well that's a stupid dream to have 'good thing we were given all the knowledge we needed or else I would go asking what that was is', and my dream is just to have a normal life.

Me: Heh~ just live a normal life huh 'what a lame dream at least mine is slowly being reachable now that I'm a devil'.

Artoria: 'This guy is a devil and has a scent of a dragon like us, 'I'll need to talk to father about this.'

Ddraig: [Issei you better watch out on those two newcomers]

Issei: 'Huh why?'

Ddraig: [They both have the scent of a dragon]

Issei: 'What?! I have to tell President of this.'

After school

3rd Pov:

Issei is seen running to the old school building or the ORC building and enters it

Issei: President!

Rias: What is it Issei? you seem like you in a hurry.

Issei: It's about the two newcomers...

Issei then explains to Rias what Ddraig told him about them having the scent of a dragon

Issei: So what are we gonna do?

Rias: Nothing I don't sense any mana from them we'll leave them alone.

Issei: Oh... so they're not a threat?

Rias: No, they're normal and they're just here to live a normal life, but if they do cause trouble we'll just step in and stop them.

Issei: Alright.

With Uther and Artoria as they are going home

Uther: So Mordred any news you want to tell me?

Artoria: Yeah, earlier this guy named Issei, he has the scent of a dragon and he might be a devil as well.

Uther: If he has a smell of a dragons doesn't that mean he can smell us being dragons too?

Artoria: I don't know

They arrive at their house

In the Maxwell Household

Uther: If they learn who we are this is gonna be a problem, we're only two people against them.

Artoria: Then why don't we use the three wishes, bring in allies for us.

Uther: Oh yeah, forgot about the wishes, let's use them later let's explore around Kuoh so we will know places here.

Artoria: Alright.

After exploring around Kuoh

Uther: Now that we explored around Kuoh we can now wish ourselves some allies, and I know just who to wish for.

Artoria: Alright lets go make our wishes.

Uther: Hold on we're only using one wish to get allies not all three wishes Mordred.

Artoria: Alright fine...

Uther: Good now let's go


For clarification, the story takes place after Asia is rescued and just before the Riser arc.

And don't forget to check the new story too!

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