Chapter VII - Family Time... and the KFC Reject

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In the Maxwell Household

3rd Person POV:


We currently see... Uther taking a nap on the couch... it was Friday and Uther didn't have any work so he decided to just take a nap... Artoria is at school since she's a student... when the knights saw this... well they thought that the king has overworked... and well...

Glenn: Is the King alright?

Lance: He must've overworked himself!

Tristan: This is not good!

Ban: We should give him a break!

Angra:... uhh guys?

Glenn: Yes! we should!

Then Igraine walks in after hearing what they were talking about

Igraine: Who being given a break?

Igraine sees Uther sleeping on the couch

Igraine: Oh... I guess he does need it... *looks at his face* 'why does he look so cute while sleeping?... wait what? what am I feeling right now?

Lance: My Queen? are you alright? you're looking a little red there... wait... ARE YOU SICK?!

The Knights: HUH?!

Uther wakes up from the screaming

Uther: HUH?! what?! what's happening?!

Igraine: *sweatdrops* uhh... it's nothing Uther...


Igraine: Uther?

The Knights: My King?


The Knights: Oh... wait what?!

A huge fight happened... While all of that was happening, Igraine sat on the couch and ate the food Uther cooked... Which was equivalent to a battalion...

Meanwhile in Kuoh Academy

Artoria's POV:

I'm currently sitting at my desk and not paying attention to the teacher... I only listen to my father... Because he's scary if you make him angry... Anyways while I'm minding my own business... I could sense people staring at me... And those people... Are the devil's here... Trying to intimidate me with their glares... I'll just teach them a lesson if they take things too far

Timeskip - Breaktime

Well... I expected the devils to confront me... but they didn't... weird... I haven't even seen anyone from the ORC... but the SC is active... somethings fishy is going on here... I better tell Father and Mother... still weird to call my fathers female self my mother... *sighs* well can't really complain... I have parents now that treat me like their child... too much... well since the ORC is acting fishy... I'm gonna eavesdrop on them

The ORC building

Artoria: Well time to see what they're doing... thank god... oh wait wrong one... *ahem* thank the supreme deity for giving me this knowledge of reinforcing my ears to hear better... this will only send out a weak mana pulse to the surrounding areas... if they cant sense this... I'm not gonna even bother saying they're weak... they're horrible at this stuff

I then reinforce my ears and placed my ear on the wall... then I hear

Rias: I will not marry you Riser!

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