Chapter VI - Idiocy At Its Finest

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Maxwell 'Pendragon' Household

3rd Person POV:

It's been a day since the meeting between the Maxwell family and Gremory peerage... and their fight as well... well... let's just say that things didn't end so well for them... why? well...

Flashback - The Maxwell family vs The ORC

Rias: If you dare attack my pawn that will be you declaring war on us

Uther:*laughs* You really think you can beat me? let us see about that...

Issei then attacks Uther... but Uther just dodges and judo throws Issei to the coffee table in the center of the room... breaking it...

Uther: Well now... that's the first strike... Artoria...

Artoria: Hmm?

Uther: They're all yours... you can have some fun now

Artoria: *grins evilly* a pleasure father

Kiba then attacks Artoria

(0:01 - 0:41, pretend at the start Uther was the one talking, not Kairi... and the golems are the ORC... and yes, the ORC is beaten fast thanks to Mordred's umm... strength I guess... ignore the rest of the video)

The ORC: *groans*

Uther: Well... that... was fast...

Artoria: That wasn't even a challenge...

Uther: *sighs**silently* of course, it wasn't... *out loud* do you always need to find things as a challenge? not everything can be a challenge... and a fun one at that...

Artoria: Of course I do, it makes thing fun for me

Uther: *sighs* well anyways we're done here... were leaving...

Rias: *groaning* wait... we're not done yet..!

Uther: You can barely move right now... all of you... I can kill you all right now you know?

Rias: *still groaning* If you... do that you'd... go to war with the devil faction... and the fact that if others learn of you... you'll be pursued for your power... but if you join me... our battle jus now will all be forgotten and you will gain protection...

Uther: *sighs* you know... threatening me won't do well with you... anywho were leaving now... c'mon Artoria

Artoria: Right...

Uther and Artoria start leaving, but Uther stops...

Uther: Before I leave, *glares* If you ever try and force me or my family into joining you... know that I won't hesitate to kill you and your servants

Uther then leaves the building with Artoria... and Asia who wasn't part of the fight... as she wasn't seen as a threat by Artoria...

Asia: What should we do Rias? *currently healing Rias*

Rias:... I don't know yet but... after everyone's healed up, we should follow them and make sure they aren't a threat

Asia: Are you sure we should follow them?

Rias: We should... he wouldn't be able to kill me as my big brother is the current Lucifer, one of the current great satans and leaders 'and I need his power, to help me with my marriage contract'

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