Chapter XII - The Mage's Association

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I wasn't motivated to write this chapter but I got motivated... You wanna why?

Go and listen to the music up top, then you'll know why...

Good motivator, it is

Enough talk time to get on the chapter


3rd Person POV






Igraine: Well... I certainly didn't expect you to tell us your backstory...

Kuzuki: I don't really care if you know my backstory or not as it will not affect me either way

Igraine gives Kuzuki a nod, then she looks at Medea

Igraine: Though... I do want some answers as to why there's a mage here from the Clocktower in a devil controlled area

Medea: Yes, I expected someone to question that... To put it simply... I was left behind by my team of enforcers

The Trio of Knights are stunned by this

Igraine: But why?


Igraine: Oh sorry... Must be a sensitive subject...

Medea: No... It's alright... They left me behind because they said that I was cursed... They said because of me so many people always die on missions im on... They also said that maybe that was why my parents named me after the Witch of Colchis...

The Knights are saddened by this and Kuzuki holds Medea's hand and squeezes it

Medea: Though... It is alright as it is thanks to Kuzuki and my friends back in the Clocktower, I managed to move on from the betrayal

Igraine: Oh then I am happy that you were able to move on thanks to your friends and Mr Kuzuki

Artoria: Can I ask something?

Medea: Yes, what is it?

Artoria: What's the Clocktower?

This question confused both Kuzuki and Medea

Medea: Huh? You use magic yet you don't know about the Clocktower?

Lance: Sorry to intrude in your conversation but, I too also want to know about the Clocktower, as we only know about the Mage's Association

Kuzuki: Oh... So you are aware of the Association, yet not the Academy... I guess it is understandable if you were taught magic in your home instead of a magic institute

Igraine: Yes, I forgot to tell them about the Clocktower as I was the one teaching them magic

Medea: Before I start explaining, you best be ready for the information I'm about to give as The Mage's Association and The Clocktower are a pain to remember as there are too many things to talk about... Alright?

The trio nods at Medea

Medea: Alright then, let me start explaining

The Mage's Association, is an international, self-preservative and self-defense organization formed by practitioners of magic for the purpose of controlling, concealing, and developing Magic. It is said to transcend nationality and genre of magecraft, but that is in name only. After having existed for many years, it was decided around the Middle Ages by those who foresaw the misuse of Magic that in order to preserve their power, Thaumaturgy should drift apart from society and become a secret known only by a necessary minimum number of people.

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