Chapter IX - The Family Vacation and An Unknown Arrives

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Maxwell Household

3rd Person POV:

A few days have passed after the beating of the Red Lizard Emperor, whose name shall not be remembered (as always), the Maxwell family was in the living room

Uther: So~ I've been thinking...

Artoria: What is it, father?

Uther: Why don't we have a family vacation? you know go to a beach resort?

Glenn, Lance, and Tristan: 'Beach Resort?! Women!'

Igraine: Huh? where'd this idea come from?

Uther: What you don't want to go?

Igraine: I do but I just wanna know why the sudden vacation?

Uther: Well since we didn't have much of a fun time back in Camelot excluding you three *to Glenn, Lance, and Tristan*, I figured since we are now living new lives, we should enjoy ourselves while we can

Igraine: Well... I guess we do... 

Glenn: How long will we be gone?

Uther: Five days

Lance: Five days?! we can stay as long as a month my King!

Uther: *deadpan* you need to learn to save money Lance... just because we have a lot of money doesn't mean we should just go buy anything you want... and I know that you want to stay longer because you want to look at women...

Lance: *nervous laugh*...

Ban: So... should we pack now?

Uther: Yes, you all should as I'm gonna make a call to the resort to make a reservation for us, so Artoria *notices she's gone*... did she leave to pack without telling us? and no one even noticed her leave?

Angra: Afraid so my King...

Uther: *sighs* well at least she got the message to pack... well... go pack your things now

Everyone: Right

Igraine's POV:

Hmm... what do I pack? Oh wait... right forgot I bought all those clothes... whoops

Me: Right... just need to fold them now... should I pack Uther's as well?

While I was thinking, I didn't notice Uther come in

Uther: I almost forgot to call the school to tell them I'm taking the week off...

Igraine: Huh? Oh good thing you remembered

Uther: *nods*

Meanwhile in Kuoh Academy

Matsuda: Hey did you hear that the teacher that disappeared has come back?

Motohama: Really? What was his name again? Kazuki...

Issei: It was Kazuki Yamashiro right?

Motohama: Yes that's the name

As they were talking a teacher entered the room, confusing the student as he wasn't their homeroom teacher

Teacher: Hello class, I am here to inform you that your teacher Mr. Uther is taking the week off with his family... But don't worry as Mr. Kazuki has returned now and will be temporarily substituting for Mr. Uther... And for the fact that Mr. Kazuki doesn't remember what subject he was teaching... Well ill be going now!

The teacher leaves, leaving the students to ponder as to where Uther is going with his family... Then the door opens and a new person enters, it was the teacher that just recently returned... And apparently has dementia...

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