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Ding Dong Bing Bong, Ding Dong Bing Bong!

"Nyum-nyum... This is an official announcement from the Ultimate Academy."

Ah... That's right. I'm still in this awful game.

A part of me wishes this were all just a nightmare, but a part of me knows it's not, and I'll never wake up.

"It's 8 a.m, bitches! Time to wake up and face the blood-drenched day!"

"Hngh..." I groaned as I stirred awake. All of my senses slowly came back to me... First hearing... then my sense of smell... then my sense of touch...

I slowly opened my eyes, and yawned, while picking myself up from my bed, despite it calling for me to sink back down into it.

And there's my sense of sight.

"I wonder who's dead this morning?" A voice from the monitor asked out loud.

"Hngh... good question, weird monitor voice...! Let's find out together..." I mutter to myself, yawning as I say so.

I put my legs at the end of the mattress, swinging my legs up and down as I do so.

"Stooop... If I suddenly see a dead body, I'll puke again!" A more feminine voice yells, who I assume is Monophanie.

I stretch my arms out, one behind my head and one lifted toward the ceiling, and let out yet another yawn.

"Enjoy your killing school semester!"

I slowly get up to change my clothes. In the background, I hear the monitor switch off, ending the bear's morning announcement.


Oh, that's right.

I said I'd meet the others in the dining hall, didn't I?

Everyone must be waiting... I need to get to the dining hall A.S.A.P...

But yet, I still feel waaay too tired to actually do so.

Even though I don't want to, I pick myself off my bed completely, and open my closet, revealing the usual uniform that I'll eventually learn to love.

After changing, I open the door and exit my room.

A few people are walking toward the direction of the dining hall. Deciding I should probably socialize, I take a quick pick from my choices.

Weird blue-haired girl... Angie... weird blonde girl...

What about weird blonde girl?

"Hey...!" I yell out, rushing to the side of the blonde girl in question, almost tripping as I do so.

"Sup', fucker?" She replies, sleepiness still lingering in her voice.

"Nothin' much, saaay, I never got your name did I? May I have the honors of knowing it?" I ask, giving her a soft smile.

"Hah-haha! I'm the gorgeous girl genius whose good looks and golden brain will go down in history! I'm the one, the only, the legendary, Ultimate Inventor herself— Miu Iruma!" She introduces, basking in her glory.

"Nice to meetcha Miu! The names Y/n L/n, the Ultimate Archer! The honor is all yours." I introduce, copying her over-confidence, "What kinda stuff you invent?"

"I make all kinds of gadgets—ones that make you type while you sleep, read while you sleep... Even ones that let you eat while you sleep."

"That sounds fuckin' boring." I bluntly reply.

- 𝗧𝗢𝗫𝗢𝗣𝗛𝗜𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗘:  𝗸. 𝗼𝘂𝗺𝗮 Where stories live. Discover now