.- 1.7

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After turning the corner to behind the sets of books, my body immediately froze. Rantaro's lifeless body lay on the ground, his once calm, gentle eyes now filled with no emotion, swirling with grey-emptiness. Blood is splattered onto the floor, and a heavy shot-put ball lay next to his head. He seems as if he were simply asleep, and it would be believable if told he was if it weren't for the pool of neon-pink blood soaking out of his body.

My eyes widen in shock as a rush of panic seeps through my veins. My breathing becomes unsteady and ragged as my body trembles, staring at the horrifying scene inches away from me. I jam my fist over my mouth in attempts to stifle a scream making it's way through my mouth.

The rest of the group that is standing at the entrance of the library run over to where everyone else is standing, each of them seeming to be filled with panic.

I may not have been very close with Rantaro... but it still pains me to see somebody on the floor like this. I think to myself.

To think somebody, one of the people in this academy, had committed such a crime is hard to believe. All of this happened while I was simply talking with friends about a silly plan to end Monokuma. All of this could've been stopped if only I knew. The thought of it makes my breathing hitch and my hands viciously tremble.

Even if I did know, what could I have done to stop it? I think, and glance over to the rest of the group at the doorway, giving them a 'come here' motion with my hand; attempting to ignore my panicked state.

"Wh-What happen? Gonta hear scream—" Gonta begins to speak as he rushes over to the bookshelf, but as soon as he sees Rantaros lifeless body, his expression quickly changes to one of surprise, his body begins to visiblly shake and his breathing hitches. "...Huh!? Waaaaaahhh!!! B-Blood...! So much blood!" Poor Gonta... his pure eyes didn't need to ever see that... I thought, giving him an empathic expression. Though, I'm sure he's seen things like this in the wild.

"Nyeeeh...?" The mage calmly hums out, putting a finger under her mouth as if thinking and staring at the body with nothing but a tired expression despite the gruesome image ahead of her.

"Huhhhh? Isn't that Rantaro? What's wrong with him?" Angie questions, staring at the body in a similar way of Himikos.

"...He's dead." The child-caregiver answers, calmly staring at the body, emotionless. Okay, what the hell? How is everyone so calm?!

"Whaaaat? He's dead? Well, that's unfortunate." The artist squishes her cheeks and innocently stares at the body. What kind of reaction is that!?

"How can you be so calm!?" Gonta screams, a horrid expression painted onto his face. Took the words right out of my mouth, Gonta. I narrow my eyes at the group as if trying to see any real emotions.

Shuichi slowly approached the body and bends his knees, beginning to crouch down and examine it. He places his hand close to Rantaro's mouth to check for breathing. "...We're too late." He sighs, staring to a random spot on the ground. He shook his head.

"T-Too late...? You mean...dead?" The entomologist questions, eyes wide with shock.

"H-He's dead...?" The astronaut repeated, stuttering and his expression turns into one similar to Gontas.

My vision began to swirl and my legs wobbled beneath me... But out of sheer desperation, I kept my mind working. Thoughts begin to engulf me, taking my attention off my trembling body. Why was Rantaro here? And... I turned my head to face the monitor. The monitor is off. It was no longer displaying Monokuma anymore. Does that mean... the mastermind is dead? No, no I doubt it. There's no way he was the mastermind, simply because that would be way too easy. The mastermind is probably harder to kill—

- 𝗧𝗢𝗫𝗢𝗣𝗛𝗜𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗘:  𝗸. 𝗼𝘂𝗺𝗮 Where stories live. Discover now