.- -0.1 extra chapter!

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Just a quick little extra chapter :) I might do more of these in the future, and I'll call them by negative numbers. You don't have to read this to understand the plot.

"Uhm... say... aren't you two behaving differently?" Shuichi finally spoke up to Miu and Kokichi, who're both averting their gaze to a random spot in the room.

Currently, I decided to hang out with Shuichi and walk with him to the dining hall. When we arrived, the unusual duo was sitting next to each other, both unusually silent and awkward. Kokichi has been looking oddly... troubled, and Miu has been oddly calm and nice. Both of the two usually would've waved to me upon my entry, but both are just staring off to the side.

"Urm... yeah, I have to agree with Shuichi. You two have been actin' weird since we entered the dining hall." I agree with the detective, crossing my arms and eyeing the two suspiciously. If something were to be going on, usually at least one of them would tell me something. I stare deep into the twos' eyes as if trying to find something out.

Kokichi begins to nervously sweat, and accusingly points at Shuichi and me, "Hey don't stare like there's something on my perfect... n-no, my beautiful... I mean... humble face!" He waves his finger back in forth with his eyebrows furrowed. Humble?

"Just... who are you?" The detective sweats, eyeing the smaller boy as his actions seem to differ from his usual persona.

Miu made an audibly loud 'Tch', a frustrated look painted onto her face. The supreme leader lets out a small 'Eek!' and begins to nervously sweat. The both of them go quiet, along with me and Shuichi. The inventor grits her teeth and looks to the floor, as if going into thought, but then suddenly her expression completely changes and points a finger at Shuichi and me. She puts on a cocky look and sticks her tongue out, "There's nothing different from normal! Where are you even looking at, Stupidhara and bitch face!" She suddenly blurts out and begins to stand up.

Kokichi seemed completely surprised at her sudden action, and his mouth drops open, and begins to sweat. He balls his fists and places them on the table. How weird, his emotions seem to be leaking out easily...? The hell is going on here? My glare at the two thickens, and I eye them suspiciously yet again.

The blonde inventor abruptly stands up and pushes the chair she was previously sitting on harshly behind her. She suddenly yells, "Bye, you virgins!" and grabs Kokichi by his scarf, quickly dragging him out of the dining hall.

Shuichi and I nervously turn to look at each other, as if silently saying, 'What just happened?'

"What was that...?" The detective mutters, loud enough for me to hear, and nervously continues to sweat.

"Urm... is it just me... or are they acting weird?" I continue to quizzically stare at the detective as if he already figured something out.

"Ah, um... I was thinking the same thing. It's as if... their personalities have swapped?" He puts a hand under his mouth, holding his chin as if thinking as looks to the floor. Of course the Ultimate Detective has already started to figure something out from just that small encounter.

"Yeah, I'm sure you're onto something... Wanna spy on them?" I jokingly ask, cheekily smiling at the detective and resting both arms behind my head, leaning back in my chair.

His eyes slightly widen, not expecting a sudden question like that and turning to face me again. "I-I was thinking we could investigate with Maki. I'm sure we're just overreacting though... but I guess it's always good to check."

My eyes light up, and my grin widens. "Cool! Even if we are overreacting, those two are my friends and it's always good to check. I'm sure they're your friends, too. Let's go talk to Maki now, m'kay?"

- 𝗧𝗢𝗫𝗢𝗣𝗛𝗜𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗘:  𝗸. 𝗼𝘂𝗺𝗮 Where stories live. Discover now