.- 1.3

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Warning; very brief mention of s**cid*. (Only like, one or two sentences, but read carefully if you're sensitive to the topic.)

Ding Dong Bing Bong, Ding Dong Ding Dong!

"Hngh..." I groaned as I woke up from the annoying Ding Dong Bing Bong shit.

I slowly got up and stretched my arms, then stretched my back as I did so getting a satisfying 'Pop!'

I wipe my eyes and yawn, directing my gaze to the monitor.


In the monitor, the usual group of bears had been shortened to only one, Monodam.

He just stares at the screen emptily, until the monitor turns off.

Just one?

The other Monokubs aren't here to bury Monokuma?

...Well anyway, what I overheard last night was really disturbing. One of us is cooperating with Monokuma... It's just so hard to believe. But... They must trust me, that's why they didn't scold me for eavesdropping or anything, right? Then... Maybe I should just believe what they said...

I should head to the dining room.

I walk out the door and get greeted by the sight of a familiar purple-haired midget.

...Might as well talk to him on the way to the dining room, right?

I walk up to the boy in question.

"Good mooorning, Y/n." He greets with a closed-eyes smile, arms behind his head.

"Good mooorning, Kokichi." I greet back, dragging out the 'o' in the same way he does.

"Maaan, I slept great last night. Y'know, this place is alright when there's nothing to worry about."

"I... guess?" I question my own reply.

"Weeell? What'd you approach me for?" He asks.

...Good question-

"I... I dunno. Good question. Y'know what? Tell me about the weird organization you claimed on running, and follow me to the dining room." I request, beginning to walk and making a 'come here' motion with my hand. He happily follows along and tilts his head to look at me as we walk.

"Huuuuh, didn't I tell you? I'm the supreme leader of a secret evil organization! It's pretty impressive, too. It has over 10,000 members!" He shows off. Yeah right... He acts too childish, but, then again, we are a bunch of ultimates, we were given our talents for a reason, right?

"Pfft. Yeah right. I doubt someone with your characteristics leads 10,000." I scoff.

"Huuuuh, didn't I tell you? I'm also a liar too, y'know. But I'm telling you the truth when I say I'm the supreme leader of a secret evil organization!"

Talking to him makes me dizzy...

"My organization controls the entire world. But of course, it's behind the scenes. All the world's mafia syndicates are under my command. They'll get into turf wars if I don't control them. And that's just trouble for everyone. It's a pain, especially since peace is the best thing for the world." He rambles on as we turn the corner in the hallways.

I don't think I can believe the words of the leader of an "evil organization"...

"Oh, yeah! This is why I do the same thing with the government too! I control politicians with blackmail... I manipulate the stock market on a whim... I have subordinates all over the world. The White House, Kremlin, Beijing... Wall Street, London... And even the Tokyo Stock Exchange! I make one phone call and the world changes. Let me know if you get bored with the world." He continues to ramble on.

- 𝗧𝗢𝗫𝗢𝗣𝗛𝗜𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗘:  𝗸. 𝗼𝘂𝗺𝗮 Where stories live. Discover now