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You sipped your Milkshake,trying to process what you had just heard

"So let me get this straight." You paused
"Your leaving me to vacation in a place called Morioh?"

The man before you sighed,gripping his nose in frustration as you had not listened to a word he had said.
"I'll be doing a Thesis.And be taking care of other matters. Joestar Matters."

You leaned back in your chair,thinking about his choice of words
"Soooooo,am I coming or what?"

"God dammit."

All you could do was deliver a shit eating Grin to the Adult before you.Already knowing that if he turned you down you'd proceed to ask,over,and over,and over again.Just until you got what you wanted,that being to travel by his side.


"Ha!" You smiled triumphantly

"But you have to run it passed your Dad first."


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