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"Hey Koichi!" You approached the silver haired boy as he and another boy,who you recognized as Hazamada were standing in front of a Green house.The two looked back at you as you caught up to them

"What are you doing in front of this house?" You questioned aloud.The two looked at each other before looking up at you

"Do you know the manga Pink Dark boy?"
You gasped in excitement,pink dark boy was that comic you had picked up a while ago! You had expected Hazamada to know about it,assuming that when you and Josuke went through his locker.But you hadn't expected Koichi to know about it

"Are you kidding! I love it! It's the best freaking comic out there!! The art and storyline is just awesome!" You yelled in excitement,Koichi and Hazamada throwing in their own opinions to

"I overheard that the creator lives right here! In Morioh! Matter of fact we're standing right in front of his house!" You gaped in excitement,standing behind the two boys as Koichi went to ring the door bell,a pretty creepy dude(who you learned was Kishibe Rohan) answered.After inviting you three into his home he led you up to his Manga studio

"So this is where the magic happens huh" you looked around in awe as Rohan announced that he would leave to get some snacks for you three.Hazamada began to get just a little to curios and suggested that you look at the freshly made manuscript of the latest Pink dark boy comic.

Both you and Koichi had refused at first,but Hazamada opened it anyway.The pages being in full view of you two.It was then that you realized your hands and face had opened like a book,you shrieked in fear.You shouldve known this guy was weird! He licked a spider for gods sake! That should've sent you running for the hills,why are you such an idiot?!

Rohan walked back into the room.He told you all how his stand 'Heavens door' Gave him the ability to peak into people's lives and open them like books.He read over the details of both Koichi and Hazamada before slowly walking towards you.In an act of pure self defense you activated your Hamon and kicked him in the leg right as he got in front you.He fell backwards into the ground as you lifted yourself up on the bookshelf,your legs and thighs also being opened with pages coming out.It was not a comfortable feeling,it felt like a large piece of loose skin just hanging off your body.You were about to Grab your headband and activate your stand,but Rohan had gotten up and grabbed ahold of the front of your hair

He shoved you to the ground while a string of curses left his lips.You attempted to kick and fight against him as he messily wrote down in your pages.
'I cannot escape or Harm Rohan Kishibe'
You were frozen Stiff on the ground now.Tears beginning to brim at the edge of your eyes as you lay helpless under this creep of a man you once looked up to.

"Y/N Zeppeli,Daughter of Ceaser Zeppeli and Aria Zeppeli.Your 16 years old and Possess a Stand by the name of Astronomy Domine.However you've never said it's name out loud.You had been training an ability that's passed down from your ancestors called Hamon since you were Three.You got your first period in Spanish class when you were 12 and have a mole on the lower right side of your neck,you also have a Crush that you keep denying on Jos-"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAA" you began to shrill shriek at the top of your lungs.If your face wasn't opened like a book you were sure it would be visibly on fire right now.Rohan Cupped his ears around his head at your Sudden yelling right in his face.It shocked him so much that his stands ability was slightly lifted on you,you took this as your opportunity to get up and run your ass out of there.

"Get back here! You have information that's much more interesting than these two combined!" The Green haired man Chased after you as you practically fell down the stairs and into the living room.Standing on one end of the couch as he stood on the other.You held a vase up in your hands in defense as Rohan just laughed

"You can't hurt me you idiotic little Girl.Just what do you think you can do with that vase,throw it at me?" He laughed like a psychopath as you growled and launched it behind his head with your Hamon.The Hamon projected itself off the wall behind him and the water from the vase fell all over him,his clothes,and his eyes.He yelled in shock as you high tailed it to the door.Your hand had reached the doorknob.All you needed to do was turn it and you were free.

"Y/N BEHIND YOU!" You turned around to see Koichi helplessly crawling down the stairs.Rohan's face entering your vision as he grabbed you by the hair again and ripped two of your Face pages out,you yelled in Agony as blood started seep from it.


"I'LL KILL YOU FOR MAKING FUN OF MY HAIR YOU SHITTY MANGA MAN!" Josuke was furious as he went around the room.Looking anywhere and everywhere for Rohan to punch the shit out of him.The day after Rohan had taken yours and Koichi's pages you came back,not knowing why at first but were thankfully saved by Okuyasu and Josuke.Josuke had returned the stolen pages to you two by using crazy Diamond and was now trying to murder the man behind this mess.

"Are you sure your alright?" Josuke almost sounded worried.It was night time now,Koichi and Okuyasu having already gone home after today's shenanigans.Josuke offered to walk you to the Hotel.Which seemed strange to you at first,but you were to tired and out of social energy to interject.You let out a simple "mhm" at his question as you staggered along the road.

Josuke caught you by the arm as you almost tripped face first.He sighed in what sounded like annoyance as he led you to sit on a bench.You huffed aloud.It felt like you had just finished running up twelve flights of stairs,you were beyond Exhausted.It sounded like Josuke was trying to speak to you but you couldn't hear.Simply letting your head fall on his muscular shoulder and feel the vibrations of his voice as you let the fatigue from the day catch up to you.

Yea.Rohan was right.

You do like this Boy.

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