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"Man I'm starving! Can we stop by somewhere to get some food after visiting my brothers grave?" Okuyasu questioned aloud as you and Josuke walked beside him,you agreed.Having missed breakfast that morning and not having enough money to buy lunch since you forgot to pack your own.Josuke had turned down the offer but agreed to tag along

"Check it out there's a new restaurant,It's Italian cuisine , huh" your ears perked up at the mention of your birthplace,you wondered if the food was actually authentic as it was back in Italy,or was what Japanese people thought was authentic

"What a weird place for a restaurant,near a cemetery and all" Josuke grumbled under his breath,but fallowed after you and Okuyasu who were like energetic puppies as you walked in

"Wow,this place is nice!" Okuyasu exclaimed as he turned in every direction of the quaint restaurant.You had to admit,it did look pretty nice the atmosphere had a calming sense to it.It almost reminded you of when your father would let you help in the kitchen,it had that homey sense to it

"Bienvonudo!" A man walked out from the kitchen,greeting the three of you.It looked to be the chef,and you were quite suprised when you saw he was most definitely a foreigner and not some Asian guy

"Please,have a seat" he separately pulled out chairs for each of you as you all sat down.

"So,your a foreigner right? Just like Y/N?"

The chef nodded as he introduced himself

"Si senore,I am originally from Italy.My name is Tonio Trussardi" Your face lit up like a Christmas tree at that,already eager to ask where he was from

"What part of Italy?"

"I am from Napoli" if your smile could possibly grow any wider right now,it would.You almost jumped out of your seat in excitement
"Really? I was born in Verona!" Tonio seemed to be taken aback by this,before smiling happily

"Allora cosa ti porta a Morioh? "

"Ah, volevo fare esperienza a scuola in Giappone, quindi mi sono unito a un amico che è in visita per il resto del tempo scolastico qui"

You laughed,scratching the back of your head nervously
"Sorry! I haven't spoken Italian in a while so I'm sorry if my grammar was off" Tonio shrugged it off,complimenting how you spoke before speaking of how he serves meals to his patrons

Instead,he took a look at your hands.You weren't gonna lie,it was kinda weird when he took one glimpse at your hand and immediately knew about the constant dizziness and nausea you would get from your perod.But at least he said it in Italian to spare your embarrassment

Tonio poured a cup of water for you three before leaving to prepare your dishes
"If this guy fucks up the meals we don't have to pay for it,let's just complain and leave" Josuke whispered into the middle of the table

You crossed your arms over your chest and onto the table,
"Don't you think that's maybe,I dunno,a little rude?" Josuke scoffed
"He didn't even give us a menu if we don't like what he serves us then why should we have to pay for it? We didn't ask for it" you feigned ignorance,perhaps the teen was right but still.You would feel way to guilty if you just dined and ditched away from this chef guy

Everything you had ever said before was immediately taken back as you watched Okuyasu writhe in pain dish after dish that was served to him.First it was the water,then it was the tomatoes,then the spaghetti,dear god you were beyond petrified.To scared to even touch the Gelato that sat beautifully in front of you,somehow still maintaining its shape and beautiful caramel color.

You wanted to eat it,you really did,but after seeing Okuyasu's guts literally pop out of his stomach,you rather not.Josuke ended up further investigating into whatever the hell was going on,punching the plate of food and fallowing the stand into the kitchen,it seemed like Tonio was an enemy stand user at first.However,it turned out that he had simply been using his stand to cook the perfect dishes for people.After showing and explaining to him what a stand was he forced Josuke to wash the dishes,punishment for walking into the kitchen without washing his hands

You would've been givin the same task as well,but at that exact moment your cramps decided to hit.And boy were they bad,if it hadn't been for Okuyasu catching you,you would've ended up crying on the ground in pain

The Gelato Tonio served was just the thing to get rid it.You thanked every star up above as you savored every bite of the ice cream.Tonio's cooking not only made the nasty cramps go away but it also reminded you of home.Of your father,you wondered how the old man was doing.Was he still training his Hamon every day like he always does? If he were to see you now he'd yell at you for even missing a day of Hamon training.Either or though,you still missed him.Even if he was a blonde grump with an itchy mustache

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