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"And this dad,Is froyo"

"This is basically Gelato.What's the point?" Your Father Grimaced as he held the cup (that looked way to tiny in his big hands) and spoon in question.

"If your not gonna eat it,I will" you happily snatched the Froyo cup from him,eating the frozen Yogurt in delight.You managed to rip the Hamon mask off with your stand,however your dad thought it was your Hamon.You laughed,making it seem like you were proficient in Hamon.

If he found out you Had a Stand you were Dead.

So you kept quite as you toured your Father around the small town that you've been causing chaos in for the past couple of months.
Your dad excused himself to go to the bathroom.He was in there for a while,then you remembered he was Lactose


You shrugged a simple sorry to your Father who was probably dying right now.You stood in the middle of a shopping center,arms crossed and completely bored.Behind you was a baby store,however you had no interest.

That was until your intuition told you to turn around,and that was when you saw Josuke Higashikata holding what looked to be a baby in a blanket.He was yelling at Mr.Joseph who quickly waved him off before entering the store.

"Josuke? What the hell are you doing in front a baby store?" You walked up to the boy who flinched upon seeing you,he turned quickly trying to hide the baby he was holding in his arms

"Y-Y/N! What are you doing here? Haha! Nice weather we're having eh?"

"Why are you acting so stupid? Why are you holding a bab-" he stopped you with crazy Diamond,the stand placed its hand over your mouth as It dragged you closer to Josuke
"Do not speak a word of this to anyone.Got it? He warned in a low whisper near your ear

Uh oh.There was that bubbling feeling in your stomach,that one that made you feel all icky and hot.You shook your head trying to drive the thoughts away as you looked down at Josuke's arms

There,he held a baby.An invisible one.
"Do they come like that?"
"No you idiot!" Josuke scoffed "me and Mr.Joestar found it,apparently it's a stand user and activated its stand out of fear" you nodded along with an 'oh'.You opened your mouth to speak but then the baby started to cry,Josuke struggled with it in his arms having absolutely no idea what to do with the crying child.

You snorted before grabbing it from his arms,it quickly quieted down.You could feel its tiny head resting against your chest as you lulled it to sleep with your Body warmth.

"How'd you do that?" Josuke whispered out in disbelief.He had been struggling to get the kid to stop crying for a couple minutes now,and took you barley even a couple seconds

You shrugged,sending a smile up at him
"My aunt used to drop off her Daughters with me and I'd babysit them" You looked down at the sleeping invisible baby in your arms
"I guess all that really payed off huh" you smiled warmly.You didn't really like kids,but babies were pretty cute.considering that they couldn't walk or talk yet so it's not like they could kick you in the shin and call you ugly while running away.

You hadn't looked up to notice,but Josuke also held a warm smile on his face.He didn't even know why he felt so warm inside himself,what he did know was that you did look pretty cute right now.Even if you do yell and curse at him sometimes.Wait,was he thinking? You two constantly insult each other how why the hell is he suddenly calling you cute? Your not cute! Your annoying! Yea,annoying.That's why he was feeling what he's feeling right now.

Because your annoyingly cute.

Josuke suddenly slapped a hand over his forehead,you turned looking at him as if he was crazy
"Are you ok?" 
He turned to you,looking slightly red in the face
"Yea im fine! It's just,this heat! Haha! It's really hot out here yknow?" He fanned himself with his hand.You raised an eyebrow at how weird he was acting.However you decided not to question it.

"What are you Holding Y/N?"

"Josuke! I bought everything we need for the baby!" Both Mr Joestar and your dad seemed to have walked out of the bathroom and store at the same time.Your dad crossed his arms,looking down at you who held the baby nervously.
Josuke started yelling at Mr.Joseph upon seeing the receipt and amount of money he wasted in the store

"Oh Ceaser! I almost didn't notice you" The old man scratched his heads.Ceaser shook his own
"What trouble have you managed to find yourself in again JoJo?" Both Josuke and Mr.Joseph turned at the same time,causing you to laugh out and accidentally wake the baby.It began to fuss around and whine out

"Is that a baby?!" Your father yelled out in disbelief
"They found it on the street,apparently it's a stand user" you father gaped down at you in disbelief
"Mama Mia! A child like this being able to handle a power such as a stand?" He took the baby from you
"How amazing" you groaned.Of course,your father was always amazed by the power of stands.Although he himself never gained one,he had tagged along with old man Joseph on his trip to Egypt.You figured he had a lot of experience with them.

You were to scared to find out what he might do if he found out you had one.God forbid he heard you had gotten shot with the stand Arrow.A shiver ran down your spine,If Jotaro had told him than its just a matter of time until he confronts you.

You walk with Mr.Joseph and Josuke to a nearby park.Your Father and Mr.Joestar conversed as if it was the old times,you and Josuke just looked forward.It seemed as though you were to afraid to speak to one another

"So,uh...I heard from Jotaro that there's something up with the Joestar and Zeppeli bloodline" he spoke,not looking down at you as he did.You sat on the parks picnic table as you dressed the baby

"Yea,we have a weird kinda connection.Your Great,Great,Great,Great Grandfather got my Even Greater Grandfather to teach Him Hamon to beat his adopted brother that wanted to rule the world with his vampire powers" you made the actions with your hands.Trying to explain to the boy the story that had been told to you so many times before.

"Mr.Joestar and My dad met because they both needed training to fight off these three vampire dudes called the pillar men,they hated each other at first but I guess they learned to become friends." You smiled,turning to look at your dad and old man Joseph laughing together about god knows what

"So,every Joestar basically gets a Zeppeli?" Josuke questioned,he was looking right at you as he spoke this time. Your face began to burn as you waved your hands

"W-well no! Not really! Cause if that were the case Jotaro would've had a friend around his age that was a Zeppeli,he only had me and my Dad." You laughed,holding the baby up to show Josuke it's outfit.Complimenting his cute it was as you did

For just that single moment,you both smiled together.

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