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"Seriously? I bought you all brand new and now you decide to not work on me!" You yelled at the inanimate object in your hands.The blow dryer refusing to turn on even after being plugged in and pushed to the on setting

You groaned,the feeling of your wet soggy hair against your body not being comfortable at all

"Cmon dammit!" You hit it with the palm of your hand.It was then that the dryer began sparking on its connection to the wall,you dropped it in fear slowly backing up as it crackled more and more.Almost falling into the bathtub as your hair dryer blew up


Although you weren't there for it,Jotaro,Koichi,Josuke and Okuyasu decided to meet up in a remote area away from any electricity to discuss their plan.Jotaro wanted to bring Josuke's dad in from America to help them out on their search for the stand arrow.Along the way they ended up getting attacked by Red hot Chili pepper,thankfully they were fine.Afterall Josuke and Jotaro were there but by god,did you hate the position you were in right now

"It's so hottttt" you dragged out as you sat criss cross on the ground of the harbor.Having been woken up early to tag along in getting Mr.Joestar.The chances of a stand attack were high and although you weren't really needed,Jotaro wanted you there for some reason

"Y/N ,Josuke, Koichi,You three stay here while me and Okuyasu go and get my grandfather on the boat"

You raised a brow,standing up and putting your hands on your hips

"Why can't I go with you? I'm the most suitable for it,water is an excellent conductor of Hamon"

"That's exactly why you should stay here."


After being told to stay where you are firmly by Jotaro.

Josuke spoke of how nervous he was to meet Mr.Joestar,but had been interrupted by Red Hot chili Pepper.After what seemed like forever,the stands user,Akira Oitoshi  finally revealed himself.You had to admit,he was quite the annoying dude.All he did was boast about how he was gonna be a famous rockstar one day and kept making lewd jokes about you.However you needn't worry any longer as Josuke somehow found a way to trap him in a tire.He soon was out of commission and Akira ran away,he had fallen into the water.

"I'll go to the boat,he might try get on and attack Mr.Joseph" Josuke turned to you

"Are you crazy? How the hell do you plan on crossing? Cause if you think I'm just gonna let you swim their your dead wrong"

You huffed in annoyance,did he not know you could stand on water with your Hamon.

"No idiot! I have My hamon!" He started yelling how stupid of an idea it was but you simply rolled you eyes and took a running start for the water,Koichi yelled after you but you had already stepped onto the water.You hadn't done something like standing on water for a while-let alone running,it was hard to control your breathing pattern as to not fall in.You felt the water splash against your yellow converse as you ran

You soon approached the ship,using your Hamon to jump up and boost yourself to the edge of it and jumping onboard.You fallowed the sound of Okuyasu's booming voice into a room with two Speedwagon foundation workers,Mr.Joestar also sat on a couch with his cane.He lifted his face upon seeing you enter,recognition adorning his face as he spoke up

"Y/N! It's been so long! You've gotten so big!" He smiled,You hadn't seen the old man since your Fourteenth birthday.He certainly hadn't aged one bit since then.You smiled back,delivering a quick nod before looking up at the two employee's who were now pointing at each other accusingly

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