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"You mean to tell me you've NEVER played Zelda?!" You yelled in shock.Josuke looked down at you boredly as you two passed by a game shop.Okuyasu had gotten sick and was staying home with his father,so it was just you and Johnny Bravo today.Although you two had your moments there was a lot of stuff you didn't agree on.

"I thought you played Video games for a living???"

"It's a HOBBY idiot.Plus games like Zelda aren't really my thing" he crossed his arms as you two walked around the plaza

"Is it cause your to dumb to figure out the puzzles?" You deadpanned while chuckling like an idiot.He huffed in response
"How the hell is someone like you even into those kinds of games?" It was non-stop bickering between you two as you walked home from getting off the bus stop.At some point you had stopped by a convenience store,Spotting a certain silver haired boy and Manga artist looking at a map

"Hey uh Johnny Bravo,I know we're having a nice chat and all but I got some business to attend to.So uh,peace!" You grinned while throwing him a peace sign and running to the other side of the street


"Heya!" You waved to Rohan and Koichi as Josuke grumbled about how annoying you were while walking home.You approached the Mangaka who was holding up a map

"Are you lost or something?"

"Rohan sensei here thinks he found a secret alleyway" Koichi spoke from beside you,you leaned over Rohan's shoulder in interest.It seems the green haired man was right,on the map there was no indent to an alleyway.However what sat in front of you was a completely different story

You smiled before tucking your school bag under your arm
"Lets go find out what's in there!" You grabbed Koichi's arm as you marched to the alleyway.Rohan hot on your tail,yelling to you about how dangerous and stupid it could be

"Aw cmon what,are you scared a Ghosts gonna show up?"

"Certainly not but the fact this place isn't marked on the map is definitely something creepy within itself!" The artist Grumbled as you all stood in front of a mailbox,a fresh pile of dog poop sitting right in front of it

"Gross" you grimaced as Koichi looked around the quiet Neighborhood
"I don't think I've ever been here before,it's so quiet to" he looked around as he walked down the road to a house on the very end of the left side

You snickered,knowing an old story that one of your classmates had told you.Deciding to mess with Koichi and Rohan now that you had the chance

"Did You know that a really long time ago a Family was murdered in Morioh" Koichi froze in his spot.Slowly turning around in uneasyness as he faced you

"Oh please Koichi! Don't believe the nonsense coming out of her mouth.It's probably not even true."

You crossed your arms
"I swear I'm not lying! They say that one night a Girl was sleeping soundly in her bed,when suddenly she heard scrapes against the wooden floor.She wasn't that worried though,because she had a Guard dog who slept under her bed at all times." Your voice went low as you began to tell the gruesome tale.Koichi Gravitating towards Rohan in fear as you continued.

"She reached her hand under her bed to see if her dog would lick it,only then would she know she was safe.Low and behold the dog licked the palm of her hand.With no fear,she got up to investigate the noise that was now coming from her closet.It sounded like a soft dripping noise...." Koichi was practically shitting his pants as you adding sound effects to your storytelling.Rohan simply sighed and crossed his arms,obviously annoyed and waiting for you to finish.

"She opened the door to her closet and their right before her eyes..." you got close to Koichi before yelling out loud
"WAS HER GUARD DOG DEAD AND HUNG ON A WIRE COAT HANGER!" It was only then  that you felt a tap on your shoulder all of a sudden from behind.It caused your body to jolt upwards in fear as you began to yell with Koichi.(who was yelling from fear of your story)

"AHHHHHHHH!" You hung onto his neck in fear.Practically Jumping in his arms when you felt that someone had tapped you.A girl with pink hair and eyes giggled before waving

"Hi! My names-" however she wasn't able to finish her sentence as Rohan leapt into action

"HEAVENS DOOR!" The girl quickly went unconscious as Rohan bent down to read her pages
"Rohan Sensei what the hell?! You can't just do that to strangers!" Koichi protested as he read her personal information out loud
Her name was Reimi Sugimoto,and she was a normal 16 year old just like you.Of course Rohan had to read aloud some of her personal shit,
As always.

He realized she wasn't a threat and allowed her to wake up once more with no memory of ever being immobilized.She got up and began laughing at how you managed to scare Koichi.The pink haired girl had also offered you some chocolate pocky while telling your fortunes based off how you broke it

"Ooh! The person you like likes you back!" She giggled when you had broke the stick from her hands.Your face exploded in heat

"R-really?" Rohan groaned behind you.Obviously disgusted by the scene that was playing out before him.

"Shut up before I break your drawing hand" you muttered towards him under your breath.He simply looked down at you with an unamused face.He had read your pages,he knew who you were hopelessly crushing on.However you constantly deny it and attempt to crush it deep down.
Like hell that would work. He thought.

Reimi proceeded to tell the three of you that the story you had told before,was in fact true.This creeped all of you out to an extent as she desperately asked if you could find and imprison her killer.It sounded like a hard task,that was for sure.But to know that someone was ruining the harmony of the peaceful town that was Morioh was enough to send all three of you running out of the alley.Your first task was to hurriedly tell Jotaro.

Maybe even call Josuke on the house phone to,who knows.

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