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So turns out your stand doesn't just give you a hammer,it can give you multiple weapons.It seemed that whatever you might need in the moment it'll morph for you through your headband.

You stood.Watching as Josuke used his stand,'Crazy Diamond' to fix the photograph that Keicho's father spent forever scavenging for.From the story you had just heard,and the fight you had just experienced.You felt nothing but sadness and Empathy for the boys.They knew they had lost their father and could never get him back.

Okuyasu trying to confront his brother just made matters worse.Keicho spoke,saying how he didn't even consider Okuyasu his brother anymore.It felt as though in that moment you could feel Okuyasu's heart shatter.All they had wanted was to live as a normal family,but the world rejected that offer.

Somebody by the window caught all of your eye's.A hand being placed right on the windowsill as you all questioned if you were about to get attacked again

An outlet to the right of Okuyasu began to spark,that was when a weird Gold looking bird person appeared from the sparks.Keicho yelled at Okuyasu before pushing him away,causing the bird guy to punch a hole.Right through Keicho's stomach

The pair suddenly disappeared,Josuke punching through the window up above and scaling the room to get to it like a lizard.You swiftly fallowed after him,easily using your Hamon to jump high and onto the roof.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say, that stand is probably gonna end up attacking us in the future."

Josuke shook his head as he scanned the surrounding area from the roof

"You got that right."

"Josuke! y/n!" You both turned your heads as Okuyasu called your names.You fallowed his line of sight,only to see Keicho Nijimura completely burned to a crisp on an Electric line.Your eyes widened like Saucers,the urge to throw up appearing out of nowhere at the gruesome sight.You held your hands to your mouth,completely frozen.You looked up to Okuyasu who was to the left of you


"I knew everything would catch up to him.That everything he did would cause something like this.But he still saved me! Even when he was about to die!"

You all nodded to his words solemnly

"He fought Nobly"  you spoke quietly,placing your hand on Okuyasu's forearm.Although he didn't show it,you could tell he was grieving on the inside.You could only imagine the pain he's feeling right now

The sound of a phone ringing caught the Attention of Jotaro as he went to go pick it up

"Would this happen to be Jotaro Kujo?"

"Who the hell is this?"

"I'm gonna make this short.How about you and that hottie your housing get the hell out of Morioh? I'd watch what you say next.I happen to have the stand arrow." Jotaro grunted at the asshat on the other line as he mentioned a stand Arrow.

"I stole it from Keicho Nijimura after I killed him.I don't mind getting rid of you either,I know all about you and what you can do.I won't do anything as long as you heed my warning.Same goes for Josuke Higashikata,I won't bother him if he won't bother me.I don't know what to say about you,or that fine ass girl thats drying her hair right now."

Jotaros eyes widened,he immediately yelled from the living room to you,telling you to get the hell out of the bathroom and quick

"I only just got this stand power,but I don't plan on doing anything except have fun.I rather not bore myself with tests and grades."

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