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"So,we're bound to meet other stand users that Keicho created?" You looked Josuke in the eye as he had filled both you and Okuyasu in on what Hazamada had told him.

He nodded,confirming your suspicions.

"Man,that sucks" you spoke out monotonously,not really caring that much on the situation.However this annoyed Josuke as you begun walking next to Okuyasu who was grumbling in annoyance

"I just wish we could get rid of all these damned stand users already" you snorted at Okuyasu's comment as your trio had approached the local cafe.Looking up at the outside tables and seeing Koichi sitting on his own drinking a soda

You raised a brow as Okuyasu called out to him,only to get interrupted as a girl in your schools blue uniform walked to the table and sat in front of Koichi

The juice box you had been drinking from slipped from your hand,and onto the ground below you,as you and Okuyasu watched the encounter between the two.Josuke had shoved the two of you behind a tree

Okuyasu had tears streaming down his face,you on the other hand had remained stone cold.Not really knowing how to react to said scene

Koichi sat uncomfortably in front of Yukako,beginning to speak and question why she wanted to even talk to him.He wasn't cool,or a good student.I mean he was average but just what exactly would this beautiful girl want from him?-

"Koichi,I need you to know that I've fallen madly in love with you!"

"Gross,he's getting confessed to" you stuck out your tongue,mocking disgust

"I-I'm sorry-I,I'm kind of-" Koichi stuttered even as Yukako kept on going about how much she loved him.He struggled to get his voice out as the girl asked if he would go out with her.Koichi swallowed a small ounce of his pride and spoke out,face completely red

"I'm sorry but,there's someone I really like!" He bowed his head,hands on the table in forgiveness as he spoke to her

"I've only known her for a short while but I really feel something going on between us,I'm sorry Yukako it's just...I don't really know you." He scratched the back of his head

"We can still be friends though if you'd like!-"

"I have to go." The Curly haired girl got up silently,picking up her bag and leaving quickly

Okuyasu,You,and Josuke watched in astonishment at how Koichi turned down Yukako's proposal,curios as to who his crush could be.you to wanted to know who his crush was as well.Maybe she was prettier then Yukako,who knows?

You threw yourself onto the hotel bed,which as of recently had been customized with your own pillows and blankets that you had either,bought at the local mall,or brought from home.It seemed as though you changed your entire hotel room into your own personal dorm

You slugged your way to the desk that sat right in front of a window,having to finish some math homework that was due tomorrow.You yawned not even wanting to do anything,way to tired from fooling around with Josuke and Okuyasu throughout the day.You began to nod off right at your desk,before you knew it you were passed out and drooling all over your school textbook.

A figure appeared at your window,watching you silently as you were knocked out.You woke up confused,feeling as though something were off.Looking around your room you turned forward to face your window

Only to see the same girl Koichi had sat with looking directly at you.Her hand being placed exactly right in front of you

You panicked,getting jumpscared and falling backwards in your chair.You rushed to get up as your window had been shattered,covering your face with your arms as to not get glass in your eyes as it did.You looked up from your place on the ground at the girl before you,her curly black hair suddenly unruly and wild.A purple aura surrounding her

Shit.She's a stand user isn't she?

You turned to scream for Jotaro,but not before her hair was suddenly wrapped around your mouth.She successfully wrapped you with her locks and held you up in the air as you struggled and squirmed

"You stupid bitch! Who do you think you are?! Loving on MY Koichi so easily! I'll make you pay!" She yelled out as you tried to talk even with the hair wrapped over your mouth

She tightened her hold on you
"Shut up!"

You huffed,regretting not wearing your headband to bed as you looked at it from the corner of your eye.you looked forward and eased your muscles,controlling your breathing until you could feel the familiar rush of Hamon

You lay limp in Yukako's hair,only for a second before twisting mid-air and breaking the strands of hair that held you with your sunlight power

You fell to the ground,grabbing your headband and trying to escape.Yukako had grabbed your ankle before you could do so,dangling you from upside down.Before you got the chance to even activate your Stand or Hamon.She delivered a clean hit to your face,successfully knocking you out in mid air

"Can't believe I'm finally out of that hellhole" Josuke had your arm wrapped over his shoulder as him,Koichi,and Okuyasu escaped from the psychopath named Yukako Yamagishi.She had kidnapped you and kept you in some summer house for days,thankfully she didn't harm you to much.A few cuts and bruises here and there,but it was nothing Josuke couldn't fix.

"What the hell did she do to your cheeks?" Josuke carefully held your face in his hands,carefully  rubbing over the burn and scab marks on your purple triangles as if you were a broken doll

"She thought they were Stickers,she said that Koichi probably found them cute and tried to peel them off.Then she found out they were stuck to my face and thought it was a tattoo or something and tried using sandpaper to get it off,I told her they were birthmarks.Did she listen? No.So every time she tried I punched the shit out of her"

It was true,no matter how many times Yukako had tried to harm you in the sake of Koichi,you'd always deliver an equally painful blow to her.You had broken her nose after she tried to sandpaper your birthmarks,if only Josuke hadn't healed her as well

"I'm so sorry Y/N.." Koichi,who had been apologizing for over an hour apologized yet again.You simply sighed,looking at him and crossing your arms

"Koichi,it's fine.None if this was your fault" you walked up to him and leaned down
"However,you are going to have to be honest with me." The silver haired boy seemed to get the hint,his face burning up as he went and whispered into your ear

"I-I have a crush on you...I didn't mean to make it obvious" he blurted out

You backed up and smiled like the Cheshire Cat,Okuyasu gasping in the backround.Josuke simply stood idly as you boasted about how it was expected for at least one of them to feel something for you,claiming how your father was quite the ladies man as well and that it simply ran through your blood

"You wish you had guys falling at your feet,and what the hell even runs through your blood? Stupidity and purple Triangles?" Josuke grumbled out,you turned to him and yelled

"I was born and partially,raised in Italy for your information!" You stomped your foot on the ground while huffing
"And it's true! Women used to trip over themselves to get my dad,so it's only natural the same would happen for me"

You walked forward and leaned into Josuke's face
"I'm right aren't I?" The teens face was kept completely stoic,but if you looked closely.And I mean really closely,you could see the slightest hint of red on his pale cheeks

"Just shut up" he pushed your face away as you cackled behind him like a witch

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