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Death.That was the stench that reeked in this quaint town of Morioh.The words that had came out of Reimi Sugimoto's mouth that afternoon still rang through your head.Everyone was oblivious.Not even knowing that a killer resided in their home.

You whistled a little tune as you took out the 500£ your mom had sent you.You we're currently at the bank to convert said money to yen.That would be about 7,000¥ which in American terms was the equivalent of 600$.

Your mom designed wedding dresses for a living.

You tapped your foot as you waited for the machine to give you your money.While doing so you looked around,only for your eyes to land on a certain pompadour having teen.Your mind had a flash back to the dream you had yesterday about him.You shook it off,grabbing the money and making your way to him.

"Umm,Josuke? Why are you Groveling on the ground?" He looked up from his squatted position while rummaging through his school bag.Immediately,he stood up
"N-nothing,why are you here?"

You raised a questioning eyebrow before putting your hand on your hip.
"Oh nothing,just collecting the 7,000¥ my mom sent" Josuke's eyes immediately widened when you stated the sum of money.

"7-7,000¥?" He stuttered

You smiled cheekily.
"Yea 7,000,not that big of deal this is basically my weekly allowance" You through your shoulders up to add more to the facade.You we're lying through your teeth,your own dad never even gave you an allowance let alone your mom.The only reason she was sending money was for Jotaro to take care of you,and for you to treat yourself.After all you were in a foreign country.

God forbid she knew your dad was with you though,then she'd have him take back the money she sent.

You placed the cash into the little chest pocket your shirt had before waving a bashful Josuke goodbye.You had walked out of the Bank a small ways before realizing that one of your shoe's were untied,so like any other normal person you went and tied it.However as you bent down the wad of cash in your chest pocket had slipped out.

'No biggie,I can just pick it back up'
Was what you thought before a gold and purple little beetle thing with hands and legs stole your 7,000¥."I got 7,000¥!!!" It yelled out happily before jumping up and running off with your money.
"HEY!" You stomped "THATS MINE! GIVE IT BACK!" And just like that you took off toward the little beetle guy.Along the way you found yourself running next to Josuke and Okuyasu,who,along with you,had a fight to pick with it.

You all hid behind a bush as the little beetle men suddenly started shoot out the coins they collected.A boy had appeared from behind a tree,seemingly in a sitting position as he picked up the stand by the name 'Harvest' he had said.He picked up the 7,000¥.Your 7,000¥.

"WOAH! YOU GOT 7,000¥?! Good job harvest!"

"Oi!" You stood up from the bush,Josuke and Okuyasu trying to grab you back but failing as you marched up to the kid.You extended your hand to him.Flat open and waiting to get your money back.
"I believe you have something of mine." The boy simply stared at you,snot drooling out of his nose as he looked up at you like a deer in the headlights.Your grimaced before sighing 

"Listen kid,that 7,000¥ there is mine.My mom sent it to me and it fell out of my front pocket while I was tying my shoes.Your 'Harvest' here stole it." The kid looked down at the money in his hand before looking up to you with a wide smile "well why didn't you say so earlier!" He handed the money back to you.He didn't even fight you on it,just simply gave it back.You didn't complain though,you were just glad to have your money back.You shot a quick peace sign To Josuke and Okuyasu who were both still hiding in the bush before walking away.

You walked out of the ice cream shot.You had begun walking down the sidewalk when you heard a crash come from an alleyway,being the curios person you were you went to investigate.It was then that you witnessed Okuyasu and Josuke Scaling a building by using Crazy Diamond and The Hand.
Just what the hell were those two doing?

You decided to investigate.And boy do you regret it.Because now,as you lay down in your bed recalling the events of today all you can think about was the fast and sloppy Kiss Josuke gave you-While drunk.Before running away to beat Shegechi's ass.

Does this mean he likes you to?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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