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"Oh,Hey Josuke,Hi koichi." You waved from atop the brick wall you sat on,Lolipop in one hand and Gameboy in the other.
"You guys just got out of school?"

"Yea we did,what are you doing here y/n?"

You scrunched your nose,remembering how Jotaro had kicked you out of the hotel to make some important calls.You were left with nothing but some money and your Blue Gameboy.Deciding to take a trip to the convenience store and buy some snacks to chill while hanging out by Angelo's rock

"So you got kicked out?"

"Pretty much" you jumped down,landing in front of Josuke.He didn't flinch or respond as your eyes locked with his for a millisecond.Emerald green crashing with Blue.

"Want a lolipop Koichi?"
The silver haired boy shook his head
"N-no thank you"
You quirked an eyebrow,Confused at His behavior
"What's up with you Koichi,your all broody.It's kinda weird"

You could hear Josuke snort from up front, receiving a smile from you.
"I-I'm not being Broody! Just..tired from school is all.." he nervously scratched the back of his neck

You nodded along to his words,not believing him in the slightest but deciding not to pry anymore. You walked up front with Josuke,Face down as you attempted to  beat the current Pokémon battle you were in.

"Electric is weak against Rock"

You looked up,A face of realization and shock coursing through your brain
"I knew that!"

Josuke laughed at your expression
"Sure you did"

You huffed,saving your game and closing the Gameboy.Shoving it in your front pocket as it had the most space

"Fuck off Higashikata"

Josuke stopped in his tracks as you both walked under an archway,Koichi already way ahead of you.Neither of you cared though as you began to bicker

"What's up with those earrings huh? There looking a little to girly for a Big Guy like you."

"Your coming at me for having Earrings,when your the one with purple stickers on your face.What's up with those Triangles anyway huh?" He mocked

You gasped at the sheer audacity

"Um..Guys,do you think someone moved into this house?"

"What?!" Both you and Josuke yelled towards Koichi at the same time.The poor boy jumping in response
"It's just,this place looks abandoned.But I could've sworn I saw someone in the window"

"The hell? I think I would've known if someone moved in,I live across the street"

Josuke's voice sound slightly uneasy,so you decided to tease
"Maybe you saw a Ghost Koichi~ or some Evil spirit"

"Shut up y/n!"

"Awww Is Josuke Higashikata scared of Ghosts? Poor baby,he's gonna cwy cause of the scawey gwostttt" you mocked,poking at his chest while speaking in baby talk

It was when a loud slam was heard that both you and Josuke quickly turned around,only to see Koichi being choked by the doors front gates.A boy your age forcing one of the doors shut with his foot from the other side

"How about you keep your nose out of other people's business brat." The teen with scars down his face spat out

"Koichi! What the hell dude? What's your Damage?!" You yelled,attempting to get closer and help your friend.You crouched down to where Koichi's neck was placed,just to make sure the dickwad Wouldn't hurt him to bad.You stood as Josuke and the Boy conversed Violently.Somewhere in the conversation Josuke had grabbed you,forcing you behind him as he placed himself fully in front of you,arm out like a brick wall

You watched as Koichi had gotten struck with an Arrow straight through the neck,the boy bleeding out into the ground as the Delinquent,now known as Okuyasu Nijimura stated he was a stand user.Josuke braced himself,most likely summoning his stand.Even throughout the whole ore-deal he still kept you behind him.

However you didn't care,stand battle or not Koichi was bleeding on the ground.Like hell you were gonna let the shorty die that easily

"Stay back and let me handle this. You running to get Jotaro would probably be better as well." Josuke spoke to you from under his breath

You scoffed in disbelief "I am not running Higashikata!" You forced his arm away from you,now standing in front.Hands on your hips and clearly mad
"I come from a family of natural born Warriors! Just because you posses a stand and I don't,Doesn't automatically make you better then me!" You yelled,not caring that there was an enemy right in front of you two ready to fight at whatever given moment

"I've gone through hell and back to practice my ability! And I'm not going to get tossed aside and be treated like a damsel in distress!" You tugged on the belt you were wearing,that being the headband you always fought with.Wrapping it around your wrist as you steadied yourself for a fight

"Are you done whining like a little bitch?"

The words of Okuyasu had pushed you past your limit,The heat that began to creep up your neck and ears was nothing to toss aside


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