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"I'll kill you asshole!"

Keicho laughed before violently removing the arrow from your stomach,causing you to jolt awake and cough out in pain

Everything was blurry,and it felt like the world was spinning.All you could make out were the voices of Okuyasu and Josuke yelling at the top of their lungs.Your head and lungs hurt,the beating of your heart being to loud and not allowing you to focus on steadying your breathing.
You gulped,hoping Josuke would be able to get to you in time.

I need to train more..

And just like that your world went black.

You woke up in a haze,feeling the vibration of someone yelling as you were pressed against a chest.The ringing in your ear slowly dying out as you looked up to See Josuke and Koichi Arguing,Koichi holding your head in his lap

"The fuck are you guys yelling about?"

Their eyes shifted down to you,the same confusion on your face now on theirs.That was before Josuke seemed to get mad and yelled

"We're yelling about how your ass almost fucking died!"

"What??" You spoke out,getting out of Koichi's grasp as you held your head and had Koichi help you up.

"I didn't even do anything! The dude came out of nowhere and just,knocked me out!"

"If you had gone to get Jotaro I wouldn't have had to worry about you,or Koichi possibly dying!"

You stood in disbelief in front of the teen.Just how selfish was he? It sounded like he didn't want to be bothered with having to heal and save you

"I already told you,I'm not running away from a fight! You saved me and Koichi,thanks.But I'm not gonna let this asshole get away without receiving a beating from me either!So wether you like it or not I'm staying here! Even if I'm not a help to you,Koichi is my friend dammit!" You inhaled deeply.Trying to catch your breath after yelling

"Cmon Koichi lets Go beat this guys ass.Without Josuke."

"What makes you think I'm just gonna let you walk away from me?"

"You just said you didn't want me here,so I figured I might as well leave your dumbass."

Josuke stepped forward.His height towering over yours as he looked down at you with a scowl on his face.He looked like he was about to speak,but Koichi beat him to it as he pointed something out

"Do you guys see something running along the walls?" The both of you turned in confusion,attempting to get a look at whatever it was Koichi saw.Josuke pulled out a lighter and lit it.

"I swear to god I just saw a little man run across that beam" you spoke shocked

"Will you shut up?" Josuke snapped
"Both of you just get behind me and pipe down" he raised the lighter outwards as to give more light To the dark room

You and Koichi complied,you prefer not to pick a fight with the Johnny bravo kid again.
Your eyes widened as you watched Josuke summon his stand,multiple little army men jumping off the beam and falling down with parachutes as a buff robotic humanoid figure appeared next to Josuke.

"What's with the army men?!"

"It's Okuyasu's older brothers stand!" Josuke paused in realization.
"Wait,you Can see them?!" He yelled out as his stand punched two of the little men in half

The army men began to March,all holding their guns as the voice of Okuyasu's brother spoke through them.The name of his stand was 'Bad Company' you had to admit.These little shits did serve as bad company.

Josuke growled,throwing you and Koichi behind him as he readied himself,getting ready to fight.The little fuckers got to him before he could do anything though as they began to shoot,their guns weren't a lot but since there were so many it packed a punch.

The three of you ran out the door as you began to get shot at,falling on the ground to the next room as you proceeded to get attacked.

Guess what? Big brother can also make Army Helicopters and Tanks.Fun isn't it? If it weren't for Koichi catching yours and Josuke's attention you would've gotten shot like it was World War One.

"I already Noticed before,but you guys can see the enemy now can't you?"

Koichi nodded as Josuke listed off the Soilders,helicopters and Tanks.You simply stood still,trying to figure out the best way to go about this attack.You were aware you most likely had a stand now and you would've been excited to try and summon it to see its ability,but given the circumstances of right now you weren't allowed to fan girl.

"Theselittle shits are powerful cause their in large numbers! If only we had something that could just squash them like the bugs they are!" You yelled in frustration,wishing you had a weapon like a large hammer and not a boring headband.

Just as you had thought that you looked down at your hands,seeing as a bright light began to dance around them.You were surrounded by a light blue aura as what seemed to be tiny little wisps of people danced around your arms and Shoulders

"W-what the hell?!" You shook your arms in an attempt to shake them off,scared out of your mind as they began to glow brighter,you watched in fear as the headband you held turned into a blinding light

"What's happening?!" Josuke had yelled in confusion as he covered his eyes.Koichi letting out a Yelp and doing the same

"I have no idea!" You squeezed your eyes closed,waiting for the light to stop.It did,surprisingly enough.You looked down at your hands as you now held a yellow hammer with purple triangles on the handle instead of your headband

You smiled like a kid on Christmas.So this was your stands Ability,giving you a hammer? Maybe it wasn't as cool as it sounded but as of now it helped.A lot.

"I think it's my stand!" You smiled while swinging it over your shoulder

"Let's play some wack-A-Mole!"

Edit:the best explanation I can give for the hammer is like uhhh,imagine Amy Rose's Hammer from Sonic X 💀 that mf gets big LMFAO

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