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"Cmon Koichi! Don't die on me now!" after successfully using your Hamon to jump over both Josuke and Okuyasu,you were now trying to prevent your dwarf friend from dying.

Speaking of Koichi,you were worried he was most likely going to die.If only Josuke and his fight with Okuyasu hurried the hell up.Jeez whoever the guy in the window was,definitely liked giving long villain dialogue.As Josuke approached the spot where you held Koichi,you held your hand to his wrist desperately trying to listen for a heartbeat

"He still has a heartbeat..Hurry up and save him Josuke!"

"I will! Let me just-"

You gasped,watching as Okuyasu began to ran towards Josuke.Yelling at him before,by the looks of,it summoning his stand.Man it sucked not being able to see anything going on,but you knew Josuke was fighting hard.
Sure the weird haired kid was annoying but damn was he tough.For someone who was trained since they had turned one,you were pretty impressed by his determination .

You gently set Koichi on the ground.He lay on his side as you stood up and cupped your hands around your mouth

"Beat his ass Josuke!"

Damn.If only there were some type of liquid source you could use your Hamon on.You could probably send sharp water droplets Okuyasu's way,or maybe even drop a water liquid bomb on him to catch him off guard,or potentially drown him.Either or would be good right about now

Josuke slid under Okuyasu as he struck the front gate of his home.The Piece he hit disappearing.You couldn't even comprehend what had just happened ,having to look at it more closely to understand.

His stand...It allows him to erase pieces he's struck! The rest of the object stays the same.So it only works if he cuts something down with his hand.Shit! This is bad!

Cmon Josuke,use your brain.You saw him hit the gate.You got this!

"Your stand..It cuts space in mid-air,doesn't it?"

Yes! Josuke isn't a knucklehead after all!

Okuyasu had gone into depth about how his stand worked.If you thought about it,His power worked like Stitches.It removes a place and pieces together the other two sides.

In all seriousness,Okuyasu's ability was actually kind of scary.He erased space to bring Josuke Closer to him,if the guy weren't so stupid he might actually be a really good fighter.

All you could do was stand and watch beside Koichi as Josuke proceeded to get punched repeatedly by an invisible entity

I wish I could help! Fuck! It's like being fully blind! Their moving so fast,I can't pinpoint wheres what or who's who.Damn,my Hamon sucks!

You wish you were as skilled as your father,he's calm under pressure,and always knows exactly what to do in a fight.His breathing was always calm no matter the situation.Your father was one of the bravest and greatest Hamon warriors you ever knew.If only you could be as great as him and just stEADY YOUR FUCKING BREATHING!

If dad saw me right now he'd make me wear the breathing mask for a month.
You internally shivered.That damn mask was terrifying,one poke to the side and you'd be choking on nothing.

Josuke had successfully knocked Okuyasu out by using flower pots.The boy laying on the ground unconscious before you

"Looks like your not so useless after all Higashikata." You gave a slow clap as to applaud him.

"You didn't do shit to help me! All you did was a fancy jump in the air to get to the other side"

You huffed
"I was trying to help Koichi! Beside" you turned around,arms crossed around your chest
"I don't have a stand." You turned your head.Josuke and your eyes meeting
"Meaning I can't see them"

Josuke irked,crouching down towards Okuyasu

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Im gonna ignore your annoying high pitched voice and make sure this idiot doesn't wake up.Or are you gonna make fun of me for doing this to?"

You were about to speak,but were cut off as you heard the sound of Koichi's body being dragged.Quickly turning around to see what the hell was happening


"What dammit?" He turned to look up towards you,but was face to face with nothing.He looked towards the Gate of which you were standing behind.Seeing How Koichi's body,and you had Vanished.the only thing visible on the ground being Blood marks,indicating that Koichi had been dragged.And a single lolipop rapper that had fallen out of your pocket

"Shit.Y/n,Don't die Jotaro will kill me!"

Josuke ran up to the Front door.He watched as a boy older then him with blond hair pulled the arrow out of Koichi and placed it above your open stomach.Today was not the day to wear a cropped Raglan shirt.

"Get away from her." Josuke spat at the boy.Assuming he was Okuyasu's brother,he watched as the older boy began to laugh before lifting the arrow in his hand

Josuke's eyes widened as he jolted forward to approach you.Only to watch as Keicho struck you with the arrow right through the stomach.


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