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"I'm literally dying over here Jotaro! Can we please just find the hotel and like,chill or something?"

"If your going to keep whining go and Check in yourself.You'll miss the chance to get your school uniform if you do though."

You groaned in agitation,wanting nothing more than to just crash on a hotel bed and wake up to room service.An eleven hour flight is not something to be taken lightly.
You decided to just sit on the ground next to Jotaro's abnormally large form and attempt not to fall asleep on the side walk,then again it was easier said then done.

"If your father saw you right now-"

"He would only yell at me if it was for Hamon training,other then that he wouldn't care if I fell asleep on the sidewalk." You shot before he could even finish his sentence.Your Palm beginning to ache from holding your face as you leaned on it,eyes closed sitting criss cross apple sauce on the ground.

Soon enough you had actually found yourself drifting off,the jet lag catching up with you.What felt like only five minutes of rest was quickly interrupted when you felt someone kick you.Not even a nudge,a full on kick to the back.

"Ow! What the hell?" You turned,expecting to see Jotaro only to witness a silver haired boy in his place.You stood,looking him straight in the face.The boy flinched in fear

"Did you kick me?"

"N-no! It was the guy in the white coat!" What a snitch.

You stared him down a bit more,taking in his green uniform and somewhat short stature.
"How tall are you?" You pried


That's pretty short for a dude.
You shook your head,gripping him by the wrist and dragging him to where Jotaro was with you.Quickly introducing yourself as well as you pushed him into the little mini group of four people in front of a fountain.

There stood mister 'I'm cooler then you cause I'm wearing a full white outfit' with some kid who had a Wacky yet cool hair style

"So,what happened while I was asleep?"

Turns out that the two boys you met were Josuke Higashikata and Koichi Hirose,Josuke being Joseph Joestars legitimate son.Which,surprised you by a long shot

"I'm so sorry for any trouble I caused!"
He bowed down in front of Jotaro,The action very much catching you off guard.
You leaned towards Jotaro and whispered,
"What's up with Johnny Bravo?"

If Jotaro were capable of showing normal human emotions he would've chided to your joke,but all you received in response was a slight smirk.To you however that was good enough.

Your group soon found itself getting bombarded by a group of teenage girls.All of course around your age but much more annoying.
You weren't paying attention but at one point Jotaro had insulted Josuke's hair,resulting in Jotaro getting his White hat all crumpled and weird.Of course though,Jotaro punched the crap out of the teen in response.

Everything happened very quickly,and although you didn't have one yourself you already had a slight idea as to what just happened.

Josuke had attacked Jotaro with his Stand.

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