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"Why does everyone in this dAMN TOWN THINK I'M SOME DUMB FOREIGNER?!" You shrieked as some asshole that had been bothering Koichi used his stand on you

"WHY DO YOU FEEL GUILTY? YOUR LITERALLY FLAT BROKE" Josuke yelled watching as you could barley hold yourself off due to the lock on the middle of your chest

"I wasted all my money on snacks yesterday! I feel bad because I'm broke!" You whined out,leaning on a tree to keep yourself standing

"Josuke,hurry up and beat his aSs PLEASE!"

After a short intervention Josuke had taken care off the money hustler,successfully removing the locks from you Koichi and Okuyasu.

"Poor Koichi,he totally got his money stolen from that dude" you threw your arms up as you stretched

"If I ever see that guy again in beating his ass" Okuyasu Grumbled.You turned on your heel in front of him and smiled

"Agreed! Now let's get some ice cream!"

"Weren't you flat broke?"

"Hey Y/n have you heard about Junko?"

You turned in curiosity,looking to the blue haired girl named Akemi in question as you sipped on your juice box.

"What about her? She didn't show up today right? What's up with that?"

Akemi warily got up,she leaned into your ear and cupped a hand to her mouth before nervously speaking.

"I heard she's in the hospital.Apparently she went Ballistic and was falling all over the place"

"No way,that can't be true can it?"

Your mind had immediately assumed this was possibly a stand attack.Although Junko wasn't even in your year,you had known who she was due to some of the friends you had in your class.She didn't seem like the type to just go crazy out of nowhere.Your suspicions were confirmed when Josuke and Koichi opened the door to your homeroom.It looked as though they were trying to identify someone while holding up a poloroid photo

You jumped off the desk you were sitting on,quickly and swiftly pushing them out into the hallway and closing your classroom door

"What the hell are you two doing here?"

"There's a stand user by the name of Hazamda,we're trying to find him before he hurts someone" Koichi spoke.Apparently this Hazamada guy had gouged out his own friends eyeball.You decided to skip class for the day and tag alongside Josuke Koichi in their search for this creep.

"He likes manga?" You leaned against a locker,watching as Josuke emptied out what was supposed to be Hazamada's Locker.You bent down to the pile Josuke was creating and picked up a book

"This is the latest edition of Pink dark boy! Sweet" you beamed as you flipped through said book

"Your into that kinda stuff?" You shrugged,laughing slightly at Josuke's Question.

"I got a bit bored while wondering around a book store and picked up one of these books,I have to say the art and story is pretty cool! The guy who came up with it is an absolute Genius!" You looked up from your spot as you came face to face with Two Josuke's.Dropping the book in your hand,you stared at the two.Your little pixie people beginning to gather around your head shoulders as you activated your stand.

"Y/n,it's me I'm Josuke!" They both spoke simultaneously.You simply stood,glued to your spot with your mouth wide open.You managed to snap out of it.Trying to piece together words and say something

"W-who?" You cleared your throat before pointing a finger at the two "What have I been considering calling my stand?!" This was a tricky question.You had been talking about it with Josuke and Okuyasu while you all walked home,but you were pretty sure Josuke blocked out everything that came out of your mouth when it didn't matter.

"Seriously? Not even I know that what makes you think the duplicate will?" You staggered in your spot.Being slightly hurt at One of the Josuke's comment.It was then you realized the perfect question to ask

"What other power do i have beside's a stand?!"


"Uh-" The Josuke to the left couldn't even finish his sentence as your Headband had morphed into a lasso,allowing you to catch the fake Josuke and slam him into a line of lockers.The real Josuke,the one who was standing right beside you had coughed as you slammed the clone into the ground.

"Don't tell me,what happens to him affects you?!!!?"

"My goddd Stand user Attacks are so tiring Koichi" you threw yourself onto a bench as you and Koichi sat outside a hospital.After a full day of trying to find Hazamada,Josuke had successfully beaten him to a pulp.Him and Jotaro were currently questioning said boy as you and Koichi sat outside.

Koichi began to fidget next to you,looking at you as you had your eyes closed.Attempting to wind down after the long fight you had.However it was hard not to acknowledge it since,he was literally staring at your face

"Look I know I'm pretty,it basically runs in my bloodline.You don't have to make it that obvious though." You peeked an eye open with a smirk at the silver haired boy.His face blew up in a tint of red at your words

"N-no! I wasn't looking anywhere I was just,uh,um.." Koichi paused,scratching the back of his neck
"Do you..wanna get something to eat? I don't think Jotaro and Josuke are coming out of that room anytime soon and I.." he trailed off.Gripping his pants as he looked down,although he was facing down you could still see that his ears were burning red in embarrassment

You giggled at the boys actions
"Koichi if you wanted to ask me out you could've just said so." You got up,dusting off your skirt.

"I don't mind going out,but your paying!"

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