Hes back

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Hayes's P.O.V- I heard the door slam to the penthouse. "Em? Cameron?" I yell from my room. "Hey Hayes!" Emily smiles, coming up the stairs. "How was your Cemily day?" I smirk. She walks into my room and sits on the bed. "Quite good actually. I found out that I actually have a few shows to do over the summer." What? "Where exactly?" I question, I don't want her to leave. "All across the country." She smiles at me. My jaw dropped a little, my posture slumped. "Hayes? What's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing. When do you leave?" I mumbled. "I leave in a week from today." Wait, I look over at her, she has the biggest smile on her face, a week from today is the day I leave for our first show in Times Square.. "Oh my god! You're going with us!" I hug her tight. "H-Hayes, Can't. Breathee." She dragged on. "Oh. Whoops." I wink. Emily's face turns to a light shade of pink, "I gotta go call my mom, night Hayes." Night? It's only.. I look over at my alarm clock, 9:21 pm. Oh. "Night Em. Sweet dreams."

Emily's P.O.V- Walking into my room, I pull out my phone and call my mom. It takes about 3 rings until she answers.
"Hi mom"
"How you doing? How's the boys?"
"I'm doing amazing actually, and they boys are great."
"That's great to hear, but I have some news to tell you..." She trailed off.
"So do I." I was practically smiling from ear to ear.
"But I think you should hear this first.. Emily, You're Dad.. He's back."
No no no.. He can't be. My hands started shaking.
"Mom stop. This isn't funny knock it off!"
"Emily, dear, this isn't a joke, I'm at a hotel, I want you to stay with the boys for a little more, I'll talk to Cameron in the morning about this, I'm sure he won't mind." She tells me.
"No mom.. I'll tell him, Save you the time." I breathe.
"Are you sure? It's no bother."
"Mom, I'm sure. Please just get out of here."
"Okay.. I love you Emily, be careful, you're in care of Cameron now okay? I'll talk to you soon."
"I love you too.." I choke, then she hangs up.
He can't be back.. No. This isn't possible. I walked into the bathroom and lifted up my shirt. Burn marks..
Disgusting. Tears started reaching the brims of my eyes, my whole body began to shake. "No Emily.. Not again. Don't be afraid." I whisper to myself, but I could already feel my body shutting down. My head began to spin, going lightheaded, my vision turning black. I gripped the counter sink trying to stay up.. Think. Whose room is closest to mine.. Taylor! "Taylor!" I scream while choking on tears. His room was right next to mine, he shouldn't be sleeping yet. My grip began to get loose, my body getting weaker. "T-Taylor!" I spit out, I bang on the counter to get someone's attention.. I need help. My lungs began to close up, I leaned up against the wall as I could see my bedroom door open and someone walking towards me. "Emily? Emily!" I think I could hear Taylor's voice coming from the door. "T-Tay- Taylor.." Was the last thing I said before I blacked out.

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