Midnight talks

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Hayes's pov- It's 12:20 am and I can't sleep. My mind is racing 100 miles per hour. I can't believe Emily thinks I hate her.. Well duh you dipshit! You ignored her at breakfast and at the rest of her brother's funeral. Over something so stupid.. Fuck. Slowly, I get up and head to the guest room where Emily is staying. The door was cracked a little and I poked my head in. "Emily?" I whispered. "Hayes? Is that you?" Emily groaned half asleep. "Yeah. Can I come in?" I questioned. "Sure." I could see her shadow sit up in the darkness and I slowly made my way over. "What's up?" Emily asked. Sitting down in the middle of her bed, I criss cross apple sauce. "Couldn't sleep. Why are you up?" "No reason." I could see her hazel eyes growing dark in the moon light from her window. "Tell me what's wrong." I whispered. For a moment she was quiet, "I'm scared." I'm so confused. "Why are you scared doll?" "I'm scared that I'll never be okay again.." She trailed off, looking out the window. Wow.. Getting off the bed, I make my way towards her and pick Em up. "Hayes what are-" "Sh.." Gently I place her down on the bed and cover her up. I crawl in next to her and start playing with her hair. Emily then soon turned and faced me, staring into my eyes through the dark. Luckily there was enough light to see each other. "H-" She started, but I didn't let her finish, swiftly I pressed my lips to hers. She kissed back instantly. Sparks went off, it was like our lips fit perfectly together. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her closer. Then we break away, Emily cuddles into my chest and hugs me tight. "Hayes I'm tired.." She mumbled. "Go to sleep babe." I kiss her forehead gently. I could feel her breaths slowing down, so now would be a good time to say something. "Emily.. I would never hate you. I'm so sorry for making you think that." Kissing her cheek, I wrap the blankets tighter around us and slowly fall asleep.

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