Party? I dont think so.

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Hayes's P.O.V- The next morning, I woke up to Cameron looking like he was ready for a party. "Cam? Why are you so dressed up?" He glared at me.. Guess he's still mad from last night.. "First, it's 5:00pm, so why can't I dress like this? And there's a party tonight in Times Square that one of my friends are hosting and we are all invited."
"Sorry for asking, when do we leave?" I ask. "We leave in.. An hour." What?!
I rush upstairs and get a quick shower. A party with Emily? She needs the break.

Emily's P.O.V- I woke up to someone jumping on me. "Leave me alone god damn it!" I groaned, throwing a pillow at whoever was jumping. "Ow! Zayum Em," Taylor's voice sounded through the room. I sat up and opened my eyes, glaring, "Ever heard of privacy?"
"I have actually!" He smiles, "Get yo lazy ass up, we're goin to a party!"
Then he jumped off the bed and ran out my room. That boy has problems.

Walking downstairs to the kitchen, Cam is sitting at the kitchen counter.
"Hey Cammy, what do I wear to the party?" I asked, grabbing an orange.
He looked up at me, "Hey, wear something really nice, it's a big party, a lot of my friends are gonna be there."
I nodded, "Is it like a house party or a club thingy?" "It's a club."
A club? "Cameron I'm 14!" I tell him.
"Em, I know, fake ideas come in handy. Don't worry okay?" He smiled.
"Reminder. I can't drive." I laughed telling him.

"Funny Em. Real funny."

*2 hours later*

Hayes's P.O.V- "Guys hurry the fuck up! We are already an hour late!" Cameron yelled through the house.
It's all Nash's fault we're late, he has to "look good" for the ladies.
I sat on the couch with Cam and Taylor, "I'm comin I'm coming calm your tits Cam." I heard Emily's voice. She appeared over the railing, holy shit. "Hayes, dude, pick up your jaw, you might catch flies." Taylor nudged me. I could feel my face become bright red. Damn it Hayes! Stop! It's just a girl.

"You look gorgeous Em." Cameron spoke. I glared at him, as I saw her blush. I'm supposed to be doing that. But she did look absolutely stunning.
She came down the stairs and sat by Taylor. Nash, seconds later, came out Of his room.

"Someone's getting it tonight." Taylor smirked.

"Of course, you know how I do." Nash replied cheekily.

*8 at night*

Emily's P.O.V- We walked into the party and instantly, the boys all left me alone. Great. Just great. Cameron, Nash, and Taylor ran over to talk to some sluts. Hayes instantly went to the floor, a bitch grinding on him.

That pissed me off. He says things to me, making my heart melt, but then he does stupid shit to make me think other wise.

Boys am I right?

I walked over to the bar where the bartender handed me a drink. I gave him a questioning look.

"On the house. First time here right?" He smiled. The guy was about 25, I think he had brown hair and green eyes, I can't tell with all the lights.

"Thanks! Ya how did you know?" I yelled over the music.

"I remember every face, and I'm for sure I would remember yours!" He winked.

My mouth dropped, what a creep. But I took the drink anyway, chugging it down. Something about this isn't right.
My vision started going blurry, drunk already?

Haha whatever Em.

Stumbling over to the dance floor, I push some bitch off Hayes, I least I think it was him. I stumbled a little, a pair of arms caught me.

"Em what the hell- Are you drunk?!" A voice screamed that sounded exactly like Hayes.

"I-I don't think sooo." I slurred," I only had one." I made a pouty face.

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