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Emily's POV- My phone buzzed with a new twitter notification, Hayes tweeted! Reading it my jaw drops, my heart rate increasing, 'Heading to NYC for the summer!' I live there! I live here! The Hayes Grier is coming here.. Holy shit. Then my door bursts open. "Kathy? What are you doing here?!" I say in shock. "What do you think I'm here for? Hayes is coming! To here! To us!" She screamed. "Haha I know! I'm so excited! What if we meet him?!" I exclaim. Just the thought of hearing his voice fills my stomach with butterflies. "I can't wait! He should be arriving tomorrow." Kathy said, checking her phone. "Do you know where he's staying?" I question, maybe he's close by. "Um... No. All I know is that him, Nash, Cameron, and Taylor are staying in a apartment." She told me, not looking up. "Oh.." My mood instantly dropped. There's no way I'm going to meet him.. This city is huge. "Kath, let's just forget about it, it's not worth it. This city is too big for us, he could be anywhere." She looks up, eyebrows narrowed. "What the hell? Em, this is your favorite person of all time! All you do is talk about him, and now that he's coming to our city your just going to... Give up?" My jaw drops, was not expecting that. "Kathy, this city is huge! He could be across town for all we know." "Does that mean you should just forget about it? No, no I don't think so." Katherine was standing her ground. "Damn... That was deep." Not even a second later we go into a laughing fit. "Okay okay, I got to go, but tomorrow we are gonna find him." I nod, and she walks out. "Bye loser!" I scream. "Love you too!" She yells back. Spreading across the bed, I lie down, wondering what tomorrow will bring.
Hayes's POV- "Hayes! You ready bro?" Cameron shouted from across the hall. "Yea! Just one sec." It's 4:44am and I'm tired as fuck. Packing my charger and laptop into my bag, I put on my shoes and close my door. "Aye! Let's go! We have to be there in 20 minutes!" I yell. Cameron, Nash, and Taylor all come out of Nash's room with their luggage. "Leggo." Nash said, and we made our way to Cameron's car. 15 minutes later we reach the air port, we fly through security and hop on the plane. Sitting down, it went me and Cameron, Nash and Taylor. Straight away I put my head phones in. But a question kept replaying in my head, that I can't get rid of. "Hey cam?" He looks up from his phone, "yea Hayes?" "Do you think I'll be able to find her?" I sigh. What If I don't? I have one chance.. "Honestly Hayes, I don't know, it's a big city. But it won't hurt to try. You have the whole summer." "Thanks Cameron." "No problem buddy." Soon, I close my eyes, dreaming of the day I find her.

Emily's POV- Beep beep! What the hell is that? Beep beep! I open my eyes and look over, it's 7:30. Why am I up? All of a sudden my phone vibrates, it's a text from Katherine. 'Im really sorry I can't go with you today to find Hayes. I'm really sorry. My moms aunt died.' Oh.. Now I have to go by myself, great. Looking out the window, I see it's raining. This just makes everything 10x better, not. Getting ready I put on a pair of ripped blue jeans, red vans, and a 5sos band tee. "EMILY! Come here please!" My mom screamed from downstairs. "Coming!" I yell back, skipping every two stairs, I run into the kitchen. "What's up?" I question, biting into an apple. "Em, please sit down for this.." She trailed off. "Um okay.." What is this about. "Ok.. So you know how your brother is in the army." She looks me straight in the eye. My eyes go wide, where is she going with this? "And he was in Afghanistan.. Well there was a suicide bomb." My heart dropped instantly. It was like I couldn't breathe. "Is.. H-he." I stutter. My mom grabs my hand, nodding yes, a tear slips down her cheek. "Wh-what?" I cry. I stand up and slowly back away. This can't be happening. My best friend.. My brother.. Is dead. "I got- I got to go." I spit out, running upstairs I grab my song book and sprint out the door. I don't even know where I'm going, but I can't stop. Soon I stop at park, Yellow park.. That's 30 minutes away! Walking to an empty park bench, I open my book. But I can't think of anything.. My brother is dead. Dead! More tears stream down my face, I can barely breathe. The cold rain pours down around me. Then a shadow appears over me, "Hey.. Are you okay?" I look up, oh my god. It's Hayes Grier.

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