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Emily's POV- I woke up to a loud bang on our front door. What the hell is that. Pulling on a sweatshirt, I walk downstairs and open the door. Oh my god.. Tears start streaming down my face. "Hello. I'm General Bogard and this is Sargent Michael Drane, he was there when the suicide bomb went off." My breathing starts to speed up, the air stuck in my throat. "We are so sorry for your loss. There will be a ceremony and a burying at 4pm tomorrow." The Sargent said. I nod, tears falling faster and faster. General Bogard handed me a flag folded, they both bow a little then walk away. Closing the door, I slide down the wall, head in my hands. Mom is at work, I'm alone. Alone.. Putting the flag on a table, and rush up the stairs to the bathroom. Opening up the cupboard, I grab my knife. Do I want to do this again? Then the memories of my brother played in my head, him leaving, him coming off the airplane. Him dead. 1.. Slice..2... Slice..3.. Slice. All the pain goes away, blood drips down my arm and on to the floor. I gotta clean this up. Grabbing a wash cloth, I clean up my wrist and the floor. Walking into my room, wiping my tears, I pick up my phone. 2 new messages. One from Hayes and one from Cameron. I'll open Hayes's first.
(❤️-Hayes ✌️-Emily)
❤️- Hey beautiful. Want to hang out with me and the guys today?
✌️- Um sure.
Two minutes later, I got a text back from him. Damn he's fast.
❤️- You okay? You don't have to go if you don't want.
✌️- No! I want to go! But I've got to talk to you guys later..
❤️- Okay Beautiful. We'll pick you up in 30.
✌️- k(:
Waking out the window, I see it's raining. Perfect. It matches my mood. Pulling on an Aeropostale sweatshirt and leggings, I put my hair in a side braid. Beep beep! And there goes my phone.. It's from Hayes.
❤️- Outside!
✌️- K
Putting on my black ugg boots, I walk outside to Cameron's car. Nobody was in the front seat so I took it. "Hey Em!" Taylor smiles. "Hey." I mumble. The boys look at each other and shrug. "How was your sleep?" Nash questioned. I shrug my shoulders. They all share another look. Curling up in the seat I look out the window. "Wanna go back to our place?" Cameron wondered. "Sure." I mutter. Before Cameron pulled out of the drive way, he sent a text then looked back at the boys. Whatever. I'm not even thinking straight.
Hayes's POV- Emily isn't being herself and it's worrying me. Did I do something? Then my phone vibrates in my pocket. It's from Cameron, to all of us.
(🎵-Taylor ❤️- Hayes 💅-Nash 👽-Cam)
👽- Something's wrong with Em. I'm worried.
❤️- Me too. I don't know what to do.
💅- We'll talk at the apartment
🎵- I barely know her and I'm worried.
❤️-stop texting before she catches us!
💅-sorry sorry
🎵- we are herrreeee
❤️- Stfu tay
🎵-love you too.
Emily instantly gets out of the car and walks into the building. Cameron unbuckles and jumps out of the car, running after her. I do the same. Taylor and Nash weren't that far behind, but Emily was going somewhere. I don't know where but I'm nervous. She walks into our apartment and starts running. The boys and I stop, what do we do? Then Cameron starts running after her, I do the same when I'm stopped by Nash. "I need to go see her!" I hiss. "Let cam do this. I think she needs someone older, someone like her brother. I nod slightly. He's right. I walk over to the couch and lay down. "He's taking my moments." I mumble.
Cameron's POV- Emily starts running upstairs and instantly follow her. Who knows what she's gonna do. Reaching the top I slow down, she's going through door to door looking for something. "What are y-" I start but then she walks into a room, the bathroom. Rushing down the hall, I reach her. At first I don't say anything. She's staring back at herself through the mirror. Then a tear slips out of her eyes, but she quickly wipes it. "I miss him." Emily says flatly. She's dying inside I can see it in her eyes. She's alone and broken. "I know babygirl." Slowly I make my way towards her. "Why isn't he here?! He should be here! Why did this happen! This isn't right!" She screams, slamming her fist down on the counter. I could see her shaking, "calm down." I whisper, kissing her forehead. "Don't tell me to fucking calm down!" She yells, pushing me away. I stumble but regain my balance. "Emily.. It's gonna be okay I'm right here." I tell her softly. "It isn't gonna be alright! Things will never be alright!" She screams. Slamming her fist down again, tears slip out of her eyes. "Emily. Come here." I tell her. She shakes her head no, gripping the counter. I walk towards her and wrap my arms around her. "Don't touch me!" She angers. Emily tries to pull my arms away but I don't move. "Let go!" She tries again. This time I bring us down to the floor, hoping she'll tire out. Then she stops moving. She knows the game I'm playing. "Let. Go." Emily growls. "You need to calm down first." I could feel her body tense up. "You want me to calm down?! My brother died! My best friend is dead! And you want me to calm down?! Don't you dare tell me that again!" She screamed. Then I saw something I never wanted to see. Her sleeve rolled up a little.. And there was cuts. "Emily.. What is that?" I whisper. She starts to pull down her sleeve but I stop her. "Emily. Why?" Without me noticing, she gets out of my hold and runs out. Shit. Entering the hallway I see every door open but one. She must be in that one. Tiptoeing down the hall, I try to open the door. Locked, damn it. I knock softly, "Emily please let me in. I'm not mad." First there's hesitation, then I hear her little angel voice, "you aren't?" I could hear her voice crack, she's crying.. "No I'm not I promise. Please let me in babygirl.." I whisper. She doesn't say anything, she's not gonna let me in. I place my forehead against the door and just stay there. Then I hear the door lock click open, and the door opens slightly. Her hazel eyes peer through. I push the door open lightly and she wraps her arms around me tightly. "Please don't do that ever again." I whisper. She nods. "No, promise me you won't." I say sternly. Emily backs up but keeps her arm around me. "I promise." "Thank you." Kissing her forehead, I place my chin on her forehead. "Cammy... I'm tired." She mumbles. How much sleep did she get last night? "Jump." I whisper. She jumps, and wraps her arms around my neck, and legs around my waist. "Will you go with me to my brothers ceremony..?" She mumbles, eyes closed. "I would love too." I kiss her cheek and walk downstairs, with her still clinging to me. Reaching the living room, Hayes stands up. "Hey! What do you guys want one the pizza?" Taylor says loudly coming out of the kitchen. "Sh! She's sleeping." Nash glares at him. "Sorry sorry." He says putting his hands up above his head. I sit down on the couch, her legs still wrapped around me. "What happened up there?" Hayes asked, staring at her. "She's broken." I tell him, I could see his eyes soften, he really wants her near him. "How broken?" Nash wonders. I look down at her, my heart breaking. "Too broken. Sh-she cuts" I stutter. The whole room goes silent, I don't think anyone is breathing.
Hayes's POV- She cuts? It's like my whole world fell apart. I don't know why, but she means so much to me already. "W-What do we do?" I choke. "Be there for her." Nash says, staring hard at the ground. "Exactly." Taylor says. Cameron nods, and hugs Emily even tighter. Oh how I wish I was him..

Cameron's POV- I layed Emily down on the couch, her still facing me, and I lay down next to her. Kissing her temple, I whisper, "I love you."

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