A Cemily Day

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Emily's POV- I woke up to Hayes next to me, breathing slowly, his lips parted. He looks so cute! But I'm hungry. Tip-toeing out of the room, I gently shut the door and walk down stairs. Heading into the kitchen, I see Cam sitting at the kitchen bar eating cereal. "Morning Cammie." I smiled. "Morning Ems." He small smiled. Looking through the fridge, I grab the carton of eggs and take 3 out. "What are you doing today?" I asked while cracking them in a bowl. "Nothing much but I was thinking we could have a Cemily day." A what? I started laughing and looked up at him. "A what day?" "A Cemily day. You know. A Cameron and Emily day." Then it hit me. "We have a ship name!" I burst out laughing holding my stomach. "Shut up! It's cute." He pouted. "I'm sorry Cammie. But sure, what do you wanna do?" I poured the eggs into a pan and turned the stove on. "Maybe we could go to a movie then the park?" He suggested. "Sure!" I smiled. "Cool, you eat and I'll go get ready." Cameron put his dish away, kissed me on the forehead and went upstairs to his room. Soon the eggs were done and I put some on my plate, grabbing a fork and napkin. Sitting on the bar stool, Hayes walks into the kitchen and grabs the milk. "Morning sunshine." He smiles, looking at me. I turn my head around and look in the living room. "You talking to me?" I tease. "Well duh. Don't you just look gorgeous." He points to my hair and grabs a glass, laughing. "Hey.. Rude..." I mutter holding my hair. "I'm kidding babe. You look amazing." My heart fluttered as he called me babe. "No. Stop. Shut up. I look like a monster who came out of hibernation for 8 months." I tell Him as I take another bite of my eggs. "So.. A bear?" Hayes smirked. "Exactly." I laughed. "Whatever. Anyways, what are you doing today?" I stood up from the bar table and put my plate into the sink. "Well, me and Cam are going to the movies today and then the Park. I guess we're havin' a Cemily day." Hayes looks at me confused, "A Cemily day?" "Yes! It's a Cameron and Emily day. It's our ship name!" I tell him. Hayes spits out his milk choking, then bursts out laughing. "Your s-ship name. Oh m-my god." He gets out through his laughing. "Stop laughing." I pout, putting out my bottom lip. "Aw I'm sorry." Hayes walks around the counter and hugs me. "But we would have a way better ship name." He whispered in my ear, sending chills through out my body. Slowly, he backs me up against the wall, his body on mine. "Wouldn't we?" He whispered again. I slowly nodded, having trouble catching my breath. "I make you nervous don't I?" Hayes mutters and places a hand on my thigh. Holy shit. Slowly, he brings his hand up causing me to shake. He smirks, "It's amazing how easily I can make you nervous." Then my confidence breaks through. I turn him around and pin him against the wall, his whole body goes tense. "Who's nervous now?" I smirk. "N-not me." He stutters. "How 'bout now?" I bring my hand to his lower stomach and go down slowly. "Holy fuck..." Hayes whispers. Then I stop, right above his pants line and back away. "You're not the only who can make someone nervous." I wink, then walk away.

Hayes's POV- Holy shit. I have never been more attracted to someone. Leaning against the wall, I catch my breath. "What's wrong Hayes? You look like you just seen a ghost." Nash teases. "I-I'm fine." I cough. "It was Emily wasn't it?" Nash smirks. I don't say anything. "Oh my god.. It was! What did she do?" His smirk was so visible, you could have seen it from New Jersey. "She didn't do anything.." I muttered. "She turned you on didn't she?" Nash asks. "N-no." I stutter. Fuck. Thanks Emily. "Oh my god she did." Nash runs from the kitchen and through the house. "HAYES IS TURNED ON BY EMILY. EMILY YOU TEASE YOU." He screamed. "NASH STOP IT!" I screamed running after him. "HAYES IS-" but Nash didn't get to finish his sentence because I jumped on him making him fall to the floor. "You would be too if you knew what she did." I hissed, "But she's mine so no." "This is so entertaining." Nash smirked. "How so?" I asked, my eyebrows raised. "Just her turning you on is funny. Dude your whipped." "I am not." I say getting up. "Whatever man." Nash laughs and walks back to the kitchen. I walk up to my room and lay on my bed. I am not whipped.. But so what if I am? Falling for someone doesn't make you whipped...

Cameron's POV- I knock on Em's door and wait for her to come out. "Em you ready?" "Yea! Just getting my shoes. You can come in." Opening the door, Emily sits on the bed, lacing up her vans. "You look amazing." I smile. She had one a blue floral top with orange high waisted shorts and black vans, Her hair slightly curled. "You don't look to bad yourself Cammie." She smiled back. "Let's go." I take her hand and we walk down stairs. Hayes was sitting on the couch with Taylor and Nash. "Bye boys. Bye Hayes." Emily winked and walked out the door, me following behind her. You could hear the boys teasing Hayes, saying 'Oooh get it Hayes' and 'dayum Emily!'. I shook my head and walked into the elevator, Emily's small hand in mine. "What was that about?" I laughed. She blushed but laughed too, "Hayes and I had an interesting talk this morning." "What happened?" "He teased me, so I teased him." She shrugged. "That's my girl." I laughed walking her to my car. Well.. My rental. It wasn't bad though. "So what movie we seeing?" Emily questioned as we climbed into the car. "I was thinking Night at the Museum 3?" "Sure." She smiled, "I love those movies." "Good." I small smiled. As I drove us there, I listened to Emily sing to the songs on the radio. Fall out boy was on, I think it's called centuries. "But you will remember for centuries.." Then I think it was her favorite line of the song because she came more confident as she sang it.

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