When I woke up Tae was wrapped around me like a koala and his legs were tangled up with mine. I chuckled as I stared at his face, he looked so innocent and adorable, I wanted to kiss his face all over and wake him up in a fit of giggles.
Yeah, he can be a bit cold, and standoffish, but after spending time with him last night in his own element, I think I have a better understanding of who he is, the real him. Not the cold CEO. He's just a normal guy, and I don't think he's ever been loved properly. I mean, not that I have either in a relationship situation, but I at least had loving friends and loving parents. I'm not sure I could say the same for him.
I wonder if I could try?
No harm in trying right?
I wiggled my way out of his arms, and slowly got up from his bed, I made my way to the bathroom and then to the kitchen. I opened up his refrigerator and it didn't have much food in it. Like..how does he live like this type of bare.
Three eggs, and four pieces of bread (after I sifted through the moldy pieces) it would have to work. His coffee pot looked like it had never been used, and finding the coffee and filters was like the hardest treasure hunt of my life but I wouldn't be able to function without it.
I decided to be selfless, two scrambled eggs for him, one for me, and we both had two pieces of toast, I'm lucky he had jelly because there was no butter in sight.
"You cooked?" He mumbled as he walked into the kitchen still half asleep
"I did. Scrambled eggs, and toast with strawberry jelly. I made coffee too"
"I don't drink coffee, but I really appreciate you cooking breakfast. You didn't have to"
"I cook breakfast every morning. Your fridge um, do you not eat at home?"
"I'm too busy to cook. I'm honestly surprised I even had enough food for the both of us that isn't junk food. That I have plenty of" he chuckled
"Is there anything you're allergic to? Or don't like?"
"Mmmm.. I don't think so" he shrugged as he started eating "I'll be home around four the next three days, I'm not staying late. This way we can spend more time together before we go. Are you working while you're here?"
"No" I shook my head "I do have errands I need to run though"
"I'll leave you my key then"
"Okay, thanks" I nodded, we finished breakfast in an awkward silence, when he was done he stood up, thanked me for breakfast, and then went to his room. I cleaned the dishes and when he was done getting dressed he leaned against the doorway
"I'm leaving now. Um.. just don't go in any of my rooms please? Unless you want to lay down in the bedroom. I'll be home by four"
I turned to look at him and I only had a second to take in his flawless appearance before he turned and walked away
"Have a good day at work boyfriend!" I called out to him, I heard him chuckle as he shut the door. I got myself dressed and then headed to the supermarket. I made sure to get enough food to hold us over for three days, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even a few snacks and things for dessert. I wasn't used to buying for two, so the bill made my eyes widen until I realized that I didn't have to worry about it as much as I did before. Taehyung was paying me more than I could use on my daily necessities.
When I got back to his apartment, I put all of the groceries away and sat down on the couch. I started to wonder if he eats lunch at work or not, he didn't pack one. Maybe he orders food? Only one way to find out.

Quid Pro Quo. TaeKook AU
Fanfiction"quid pro quo. One hand washes the other, you scratch my back, I scratch yours" "I know what it means. I'm just not sure why you're asking me?" "me either. I guess we'll have to find out" As always with my stories There is smut There is cursing *I...