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“Are you okay?” I asked as we sat in the back of the car on our way to the restaurant 

“Yeah, why?”

“I don’t just seem off since before we left the room” I shrugged and stared out the window 

“I’m okay” he nodded, I kept quiet the rest of the ride and watched the streets pass by as we made our way. The sun was beaming down but between the air conditioner and his cold ass attitude, the car was freezing. After an uncomfortable two hours, we finally arrived and I was never so relieved in my life to get to a dinner with a bunch of strangers. 

“If anyone makes you uncomfortable, or says something condescending, you have my permission to give it back to them. Don’t just sit there and take it, but I also expect you not to stand up and cause a scene either” he fixed his suit jacket as he spoke up, I nodded and intertwined our fingers as we walked into the restaurant. The hostess led us to our table and I felt Tae tense beside me before I let go of his hand and pulled his chair out for him, we greeted everyone as he sat down and I pushed his chair in for him before sitting beside him 

“Taehyung, nice to see you again” Tall, dark, handsome, and dimples for days smiled wide while Tae sat still like a statue. I put my hand on his and squeezed it lightly, he looked down at our hands and back to the man 

“Namjoon, nice seeing you too” 

“And who is this?” he nodded in my direction without taking his eyes off of Taehyung 

“My b-boyfriend Jungkook” 

“Nice meeting you” I extended my hand to him, he shook it and smiled 

“Nice to meet you too” He smirked “Gentlemen, this is my wife Sandra” 

“Hey! Nice meeting you guys” she smiled wide, I smiled as I reached over and shook her hand 

“I love your dress” I smiled, she giggled as she pulled her hand from mine 

“Thank you! Joonie picked it out for me” 

My phone vibrated in my pocket, I waited before pulling it out and reading over the message 

Boyfriend💙: That is my ex. I had no idea he’d be here, do not engage. Please. 

I tensed my jaw before putting my phone away. He was fifteen the last time he was in a relationship, and even though I don’t know the first thing about what happened, this Namjoon person is obviously the reason Tae is the way that he is, and that’s enough for me to want to rip his throat out and feed it to his wife. 

So, instead of being an asshole, I turned on my charms. I laughed with everyone, engaged in conversation, and made sure to hold Tae’s hand with our fingers intertwined and resting on the table in plain sight for everyone. I made sure to kiss his lips before excusing myself to the bathroom, and kissed him again as I sat back down afterwards. I made him laugh, I helped him relax, and I made sure to give him as much of my attention as possible without making a show out of it or just blatantly fucking him on the table in front of everyone. 

I noticed Namjoon throughout the entire meal glancing at our hands, smirking every time Tae caught his gaze, and when I made eye contact with him he winked at me before sipping his champagne. 

“So TaeTae, how’s the business?” 

“It’s going extremely well actually, Kookie and I had a meeting earlier with a few men and we’re talking about investing and expanding” Tae nodded 

The fuck?

Tae called me Kookie? 

I guess I can’t be that surprised, he’s heard Jin call me Kookie, and we’re supposed to be in a relationship. 

Quid Pro Quo.   TaeKook AUWhere stories live. Discover now