What the hell

353 31 5

I woke up bright and early, made sure Scabbers had food and water, gave him some lovins, and then made my way to Tae's apartment. I had the key to his apartment, but still had to ring the bell to get into the lobby, at this point the receptionist just smiled and nodded at me as I stepped onto the elevator, I didn't knock when I stepped out, I just let myself in, in hindsight I should have knocked. 

Tae was standing in his briefs with a towel wrapped around his head, music playing softly, and there were broken egg shells everywhere on the counter, he had a mess going on and I laughed making him turn around completely shocked

"You're early" he pouted making me swoon 

"I am, how's the scrambled eggs?"

"They're um..Definitely scrambled, not sure they're fully cooked though" 

I walked over and stood behind him, leaning my chin against his shoulder to get a good look at the eggs. 

Yes, that's the only reason. 

Not to feel him against me. 



"Yeah, definitely not" I chuckled, I put my hand on his hip to slide him over a bit and took the spatula from his hand "I got this. Go get dressed for work" 

"But, I really can make scrambled eggs" he pouted again making me laugh 

"I know you can, I believe you. But for today, I've got this" I smiled at him, he smiled wide before nibbling his bottom lip and walking away to get dressed. But by the time he came back, I had breakfast done and plated on the table, as well as lunch made and put into two lunchboxes, and had meat pulled out onto the counter for dinner. 

"What's the chicken for?"

"More practice tonight after work" I shrugged as I sat down with a cup of coffee 

"You're coming back?"

"Until you tell me not to, I'll be here everyday" 

"Can we maybe go to your house sometimes?"

"If you want to. Scabbers loves attention and company" 

I do too. 

But that's not important. 

"Sounds good" he nodded as he started eating

"I made lunch already, any particular time you want me in the office?"

"Nope, whenever" he shrugged 

"Does Kathy eat lunch?" 

"She's been on a smoothie diet, she eats a smoothie thing for breakfast and lunch, and then eats like a light dinner so that she can lose weight" he rolled his eyes "that woman, for as much as she does, she needs to eat more. She's always been small like this and now that I'm taller, broader, and weigh more than her she looks even tinier. I worry about her" he frowned 

"I'll make her something then, no one can turn down these charms" I pointed at myself and smirked which made him laugh as he threw his head back and tried covering his mouth which only made me laugh along with him and his cuteness. 

"So I'll see you in the office?" He asked softly as he made his way to the door 

"Yup, I'll be there" I smiled "bye boyfriend!!! Have a good day at work!!" 

"Bye b-boyfriend see you at lunch!" He blushed and ran out the door, leaving me in his living room laughing at how adorable he is. 

Quid Pro Quo.   TaeKook AUWhere stories live. Discover now