"quid pro quo. One hand washes the other, you scratch my back, I scratch yours"
"I know what it means. I'm just not sure why you're asking me?"
"me either. I guess we'll have to find out"
As always with my stories
There is smut
There is cursing
"Our flight leaves at seven, we'll be in Florida by nine, but we have to be at the airport by six. Are your bags packed?"
"They are" I nodded as I got into the bed next to him. The three days we had spent together were easy, he talked more, and I made sure he ate more. He wasn't as standoffish as he was when we first started this, and we had spent more time in his jazz room as I call it "are yours?"
"Uhh.." he rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling "if I say yes would you believe me?"
"No" I laughed, I got off the bed and walked over to his walk in closet "Come on Tae, you need to pack"
"I know" he whined and buried his head in his pillow, I chuckled as I walked over and pulled on his arm
"Come on you big baby, let's go"
"Uuuuhhhhhgggggg" he went limp and laughed as I pulled him off the bed, I laughed as I picked him up and put him over my shoulder "put me down!"
"No" I smacked his ass making him jump as I laughed my ass off, my phone started ringing so I turned around and answered it "Jinnnnnn"
"Kooooookie, all set for florida?"
"I would be if someone would pack his luggage" I laughed as I carried him into the walk in closet "Come on, tell me what you want"
"I don't want to" he laughed and smacked my ass making me laugh
"You guys sound like you're having fun"
"We are, I have to let you go though. I have to pack his bags before we go to bed. Oh, how's scabbers?"
"Spoiled as ever" he laughed "bye kookie, have a safe flight"
"I love youuuuuuuuu"
"I love you too" he laughed and ended the call
"Okay! Let's go"
"Can you put me down now?"
"Will you pack your bags?"
"Yes" he laughed and I put him on his feet, we spent an hour packing his bags because God forbid he packed the wrong suit or decided he didn't want to wear a certain suit the day of an important meeting. I rolled my eyes as I sat on the floor and watched him tear the closet apart as he stuffed things into his bag. I had to take them out and fold them for him because the giant messy pile in his bag was going to piss me off.
"I think that's everything"
"Nope. You need pajamas, lounge clothes, and swim trunks"
"Swim trunks?"
"We'll be in Florida, and you don't want to go to the beach?"
"I um.." he looked down "I've never been in the ocean"
"Okay" I smiled "pack them and we'll take it slow. Even if you just dip your feet in"
"Okay" he nodded and packed the rest of his stuff
The last couple mornings, Jungkook had woken up before Taehyung and had found themselves tangled up together. He would spend some time admiring Taehyung's features and formulating ways to make sure Tae had a good day, and had enough to eat.
But this time Taehyung had woken up before Jungkook. He jolted at first, confused as to how their faces got so close, confused as to why Jungkook was holding onto him like he'd float away in the night, confused as to why his heart was racing so fast as he stared at Jungkook's sleeping face. His cheek squished against the pillow and his lips poked out, his eyelids fluttering and his breathing even with a hint of a smile on his lips.
Is this what Jungkook saw every morning when he woke up? Did he look this adorable to Jungkook? Did Jungkook wonder what it was like to just lean in and kiss his lips while he was sleeping?
Yeah, people have always complimented his features, telling him he was sexy and attractive but no one had ever told him any of the things he felt as he watched Jungkook sleep.
I woke up to Tae shaking me "Kook wake up, we gotta go"
"Five more minutes" I mumbled as I moved my arms to hold him tighter, it was so warm and comfy under his blankets that I didn't want to move
"We'll miss our flight"
"Fuck our flight, let's just lay here" I whined making him chuckle
"Come on boyfriend, we have to go"
My heart jumped.
It's not real.
It's not real.
"Fine" I pouted and released him before I could do or say anything that would make him uncomfortable or embarass myself.
"We look like mafia leaders"
"What?" He laughed "we look like a CEO and his boyfriend, how do you get mafia vibes from that?"
"I don't know" I laughed "maybe vampires?"
"What the hell" he laughed harder as we finally stepped away from the mirror in our suits with our hair done and grabbed our luggage
"At least we're sexy vampire mafia leaders" I joked making him laugh as we got onto the elevator
"Well, don't tell my colleagues our true identity then. We'll be banned"
"I'll try not to" I snorted
"How will we survive all of the sun in Florida?" He smirked as we loaded up his car
"Lots of sunscreen" I smiled wide
The airport was packed, I noticed people taking photos and I reached for his hand out of nervousness more than posing for pictures. I wasn't used to the attention and it was making me uncomfortable but Tae kept his fingers intertwined with mine as we checked in, checked our luggage, and then made our way onto the plane.
"You should relax" he said calmly
"I'm trying, but Jesus how do you deal with this shit all the time?"
"I'm used to it" he shrugged "I must say it's gotten worse since we started 'dating' though" he smiled
"That's comforting" I chuckled before reaching over and intertwining our fingers again. He had gotten used to the hand holding so he didn't think twice about it anymore, I however had found myself struggling with it the last few days. Not that I would ever admit that to him though, but what I really wanted to do was kiss him. Hold his hands above his head and mark his skin over and over with my lips.
I know that'll never happen.
So I laid back in my seat, his hand in mine, and watched the sky through the window hoping that the Florida sun and waves would take my mind off him if even just for a second.
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