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Tae POV 

"Get him out!" The doctor shouted, I thought I was going to be sick watching kook lay on the floor with blood on his hands 

"Is he going to be okay?" I shouted 

"It happens all the time" the doctor chuckled "Alright Ji-a, I need you to push again to get the placenta-"

Yeah. No. Tuning out. 

I watched the nurses get kook up off the floor and put him on a gurney, they said something to me but I was too busy tuning out all of the gross stuff happening around me as Ji-a squeezed my hand to the point that I couldn't feel my bones anymore. 

I watched the nurses as they cleaned up Rosalind, I could hear her crying but the only thing visible to me from where I was standing were her tiny, adorable, perfect, chubby feet kicking as they weighed her and got her cleaned up. I smiled knowing in a few minutes I'd have my little princess in my arms. 

This is really it. It's happened, we're parents. I needed to let it sink in, but then I felt a warmth bloom in my chest that was indescribable as I realized, yes, this is it, this is our future, this is our dream come true. This is everything. 

"Mister Jeon?" The nurse snapped me out of my thoughts 


"Would you like to hold her?" She asked as she held up a pink blanket 

"Y-yes please" I nervously accepted the baby from her arms, her tiny little body laying in my long arms, knowing that I would love her for the rest of my life, knowing that I would do anything to protect her and keep her happy. I looked at her face and smiled wide as she slept in my arms "oh god" I whispered and kissed her forehead "you are so perfect" I whispered, I turned to Ji-a and Tiff with tears in my eyes "thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much" I sniffled "She's perfect, you did so amazing" I kissed Ji-a on her sweat covered forehead as she smiled up at me

"You are very very welcome Tae" she smiled "You guys deserve this" 

"I'm going to take her to Jungkook now. Is that okay?"

"Of course" she giggled and waved me off as I walked down to our room and opened the door where Jungkook was passed out in the bed as the nurse cleaned his arms, and hands, and took his vitals 

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine" one of the nurses chuckled "he'll wake up soon. It happens all the time" 

"That's good" I smiled 

"We'll bring in some bottles of formula, diapers, wipes, and the plastic bassinet for her okay?" 

"Thank you" I nodded as I sat in the recliner, I stared down at her tiny face and smiled through my tears, I could tell instantly who's DNA she had. 

It was hard not to, when she had his nose, his ears, his eye shape, and definitely his eyebrows. It was a baby version of Kookie in my arms sound asleep, and she couldn't be more perfect. I took her hat off carefully and nuzzled my nose into her thick black hair with little curls randomly tangled in. The nurses walked in quietly leaving the supplies with me and checking on kookie one more time before exiting the room. Rosalind began to fuss, I took her blanket off from around her body and laid her on my chest, her cheek squished against my skin as her little hands pinched at my skin while she made sucking noises and fell back asleep. 

I kissed the top of her head and laid back in the recliner humming to her and patting her butt, I had so much love, and so many emotions pumping through my veins that I kept crying as I smiled and held my baby girl 

"Shit" Kookie hissed as he sat up and rubbed his head "what the fu- Oh my god" his eyes watered as he stood up, he pulled his phone out and took a picture of Rosalind and I, he quickly threw his phone onto the bed and came to stand next to me, he kissed my lips and leaned down to kiss the top of her head "Tae" he whispered and wiped his eyes "she's perfect"

"I know" I smiled

"And she's ours" 

"Forever" I smiled as he choked on a sob and kissed her forehead "look at her hair" he cooed as he gently ran his hand over her head and smiled wide "Oh god" he closed his eyes and wiped away the tears again "I passed out" he snorted

"You did" I chuckled and nodded my head 

He shook his head "How long was I out for?"

"Twenty minutes" I shrugged 

"I love you baby, so much" He kissed my lips again making me smile even wider 

"I love you too" I kissed Rosalind on her forehead "and I love you princess" I smiled "she's a spitting image of you" 

"I know" he chuckled as he traced his finger softly over her face 

"Want to hold her?"

"Of course" 

I stood up and let him sit in the recliner before gently handing her to him and draped her blanket over his shoulder 

"Holy shit" he whispered and closed his eyes "its overwhelming"

"I know" I smiled as I grabbed his phone and took a picture of the both of them, I stood behind the recliner and took a selfie of the three of us, I smiled and put his phone back on the bed, she started to get fussy and started to cry so I grabbed a bottle and handed it to him as he laid her against his arms and fed her 

"Awww" he cooed with a pout as she made little baby noises and drank down her formula, she opened her eyes and stared at him making him smile "Hi princess, I'm your dad" he smiled, I walked over to look at her and smiled wide "and that's your daddy" he cooed "and we love you so much. You're going to be so spoiled, and so loved" 

"Hi Rosie" I cooed as I pecked her forehead she blinked her beautiful warm brown eyes and continued to eat her bottle and stare at us as we praised her and told her how loved she is, when she was done drinking kookie put her up on his chest and patted her back until she burped which made both of us chuckle and coo over how tiny it was. 

After two hours we changed her diaper, wrapped her back up into her blanket, put her hat back on her, and laid her in her little plastic crib that we kept against our bed as we laid in the hospital bed together watching her sleep 

"God, she's so perfect Tae, my chest hurts. I knew it would be overwhelming but I wasn't ready or prepared to feel this much love and happiness" 

"Me either" I chuckled as I rested my head on his chest "our little beautiful flower" I smiled 

"Rosalind Jeon" he smiled and kissed my forehead "I can't believe we're parents" he sighed as he closed his eyes and held me 

"Me either" I kissed his neck and nuzzled closer to him "I love you" I mumbled as I closed my eyes 

"I love you too baby" 

And that's how we fell asleep, as parents in a cramped hospital bed, with our newborn baby girl sleeping peacefully an arms length away.

I never felt more complete.


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