It's scary

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I sat down at my desk and let out a sigh as I turned on my computer, I hadn't been in the Seoul office in so long, I didn't even recognize half the people here. I started going through my emails and then I decided to call kathy

"Do you have a minute?"
"What's wrong?"
"I screwed up Kat..big time"
"What did you do?"
"I-I slept with him. Twice."
"I shouldn't have done that" I shook my head "I mean, he knows about my past, he knows that I can't give him a relationship, not a real one, but I feel so bad"
"Why can't you?"
"What do you mean? You know why I can’t" 
"You can't let the past control your future Tae. You set a goal for yourself, and you reached it. Take a fucking break and work on yourself so that you can give yourself to someone. Whether it's Jungkook or someone else"
"If it were going to be anyone it would be him" I frowned 
"See? I told you to be careful. I told you contracts don't come with feelings. You didn't heed my warning and now you've got yourself all messed up for no reason. Does he pressure you?"
"Does he beg you for your attention?"

"Then don't stress. Just go with the flow. He's a softie Tae, and he's a sweetheart. You like him, he likes you, you guys have already done the deed, so just man up and go with it" 
"I'll try"
"Good. Now I have to go because I'm busy running your fucking company"
"I love you"
"Yeah yeah, love you too" she hung up on me and I chuckled before going back to my emails. 

"Mister Kim there's a Mister Park here to see you" 

"Let him up please" 

I let out a sigh and cracked my neck trying to relax before he walked into my office

"Taehyung" he smiled as he walked into my office 

"Jimin" I nodded, he walked towards my desk and sat across from me with a smile still on his face "I'm assuming this is about canceling your contract?"

"I thought you knew better than to mix personal lives with business" he chuckled "I found it quite odd that since you found out you're dating my ex fiancé you've decided to cancel my contract and pay me out" 

"Usually I would agree with you on not mixing business with emotions and such, but this is different" 

"Hmm" he nodded as he looked around my office "let me guess, our poor little kookie told you his little sob story and you fell for it before he begged you to cut ties with me?"

"The opposite actually. He asked me not to cut the contract" 

"And why do you think that is?" He leaned forward and rested his head in his hand with his elbow propped up on my desk "my opinion? He's a liar, and a manipulator. He fabricated this story, and trust me, I know the story. You're not the first person he's spewed this bullshit to. And you fell for it. And now you feel like you can't continue working with me because your precious loving boyfriend suffered at the hands of a monster. He's playing you. 'No baby, don't cancel the contract because of me' and batted his fucking big eyes at you making you feel soft and do whatever the fuck he wants you to" 

He really hates Jungkook. 

That, or he's still overly in love with him. 

My money is on the second option. 

"I've known him a lot longer than you have Taehyung. He uses his charms to his advantage, and doesn't care about anyone but himself. He'll use you until he gets whatever he wants and then leave" 

"I appreciate the advice, but my relationship is none of your business"

"I beg to differ, considering that is why you've decided to drop my contract" he scoffed and rolled his eyes "if you're choosing a lying, manipulating, confused, piece of shit over your business, that's fine. I won't interfere. But when he drops your ass? Don't ask me to join back" 

Quid Pro Quo.   TaeKook AUWhere stories live. Discover now