Run to you,
Run from you,
I hate you,
I love you,
I can't decide,
You don't deserve me,
I don't deserve you,
It's a constant back and forth,
Why can't you leave me alone?
Why can't you just disappear?
Why can't I just disappear?
I can't stop thinking about you,
You won't stop invading my mind.
You are like a black plague,
Spreading faster than light in my mind,
My thoughts are like WW-III,
Constant back and forth,
Ease my mind,
Let's play Russian Roulette,
Put the bullet in my gun,
I'll be the bullet in yours,
Let's see who'll bleed out faster on the stone floor of our invincible, isolated, confused palace,
Let's see who cries for the other,
Let's see if you love me,
Let's see if you can deal with my death on your hands,
Let's see what you do when you realized I switched our guns and save you,
You put the bullet in yours, but I took the loaded gun,
So you could hold my thousand ton heart in your hands,
So you could hold the weight of my world on your shoulders for once,
So I could be free