Fighting yourself is exhausting,
Hating yourself is draining,
Hurting yourself is deafening,
Pitying yourself is weakening,
Crushing yourself is wreckening,
Loving yourself is near impossible,
Learning about yourself is confusing,
Learning to see yourself for what you are is enabling,
Wanting to be what you are not is common and worthless,
Sometimes all you have to do is let go and breathe in fresh air and truth and forgiveness for yourself,
Forgiveness for all that you have brought unto yourself,
Forgiveness for not trying for yourself up until this point,
Forgiveness for not knowing any better,
Forgiveness for not understanding,
Forgiveness for not knowing what the right choice is,
Forgiveness for all you have lost and never had,
Forgiveness for all you cannot change,
Stop fighting yourself and try to forgive yourself, even if it is only little by little,
Doing so helps you begin to heal things that you may not have even realized were broken.