Courage is being able to look at a piece of your art and not hating it,
Courage is being able to look at your friends and not comparing yourself to them,
Courage is being able to waking up in the morning and not wishing you didn't,
Courage is being able to stand in front of the class and being able to look everyone in the eyes because you're confident in what you're saying,
Courage is being able to look in the mirror and telling yourself that your beautiful and not second guessing yourself,
Courage is not hating your body or your voice or yourself,
Courage is looking at the world and not being afraid,
Courage is thinking about the future and knowing you have one,
Courage is knowing your worth every jewel in the world,
Courage is giving your all to the love of your life without fear,
Courage is taking the breaths to stay rather than give up,
Courage is living.