Chapter 3-Umbrella.

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Author's Note:
So the video I put will be played later on (yes there is a rain scene and it is kinda like the miraculous Ladybug umbrella scene if you have watched that also a bit of DNF because I am kinda bored.

This chapter is kinda a filler so that you people are a bit busy while I try to get to the main climax.Very calming chapter with no pain.

Please make sure you look after yourself and drink pleanty.If you don't know what to call me then you can use Creator because I can't be bothered to think of a name.

Unfortunately I found out that Quackity doesn't like being shipped so instead it is Karlnap.

Important thoughts,sentences or speech in bold.It is around the end of Autumn.



Everyone meet up with each other after their flights.
Third person POV:

Everyone got ready to leave for the Café.Most just wore a t-shirt and some jeans while others decided to wear a hoodie.Bad borrowed Skeppy's hoodie and was had a bright shade of velvet tinted across his face.Dream,Sapnap and George all wore Dream merch while Quackity and Wilbur wore their beanie's.

"Alright,is everyone ready?"Dream spoke in a loud tone so that everyone could hear.

"Yeah"Everyone else chorused.

Everyone headed over to the Café.They all seated and talked.George was fiddling with his hands under the table trying to hide his nervousness.Dream noticed this and intertwined his hands with George under the table.George was clearly blushing but no one payed attention.When the attention cleared from Dream and George.The blonde leaned to George and whispered,

"You okay,you seem nervous?Do you want to take a few minutes outside or do you need anything?"Dream spoke softly and quietly so that only George could hear.

"I am fine Dream.I think I am going to calm myself down outside."

George got up and quickly left with his hood over his face and his hand buried deep inside the holes of his hoodie.Dream sat there clueless ,not knowing about the brunette's small crush.

(I feel like I am making George too much of a bottom)

///////////////(POV Switch)/////////////

George POV:

Why?Why did I get so nervous?Why am I shaking so much?I am definitely not cold and since when did I develop feelings for Dream?I feel like I am in a fan-fiction of some sort or like in a movie.

I run outside and stand near the entranced the Café.The rain starts to pour (cue to play video but keep the volume down so that it doesn't distract you).A few stray drops trickle down my face as my hair starts getting soaked.I want to go inside but I can't face Dream.I know he is straight he always has been and if I somewhat confessed my feelings I would become an embarrassment and Dream would think differently of me but not in a good way.I couldn't bare the thought of Dream hating me.

I feel the rain drops stop pouring down me as I turn back to face a tall blonde holding out a black umbrella.I look at his piss-like eyes as I try to hold a laugh.His piss eyes.Those shimmering piss eyes.If only I could see them in the sunlight right now.


The sea of thoughts suddenly evaporate as all my surrounding get tuned out.

"Y-yes Dream?"I didn't know that he was worried I kinda feel bad for leaving him.

"You're soaking wet,you really should come inside.Maybe we could talk about it?"

Talk about it?You want me to talking about my fucking feelings towards you.

"I will come inside but I need some time alone right now"

"Oh okay I will see you soon"

Our hands join together as he hand me his umbrella and we both turn a bit red.
Dream heads in while I stand there with his jet-black umbrella.


End chapter and music for now.I may update the chapter to be longer but for now I won't.I hope this satisfies you.I kinda rushed this chapter.I really hope you are enjoying this so far.

Please make sure to look after yourself.

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