Chapter 8.5-Let the games begin (pt2)

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Tw:Death and Swearing

I decided to post this chapter as soon as possible.This chapter is dedicated to a person who gave me motivation.

This chapter will contain death.I don't know if it will be too sad since it is kind of a quick  one.I will put a summary at the end to remind you what happened and if you want to skip the death part.

               Previously in this fanfic:

The games have begun and everyone has paired up with someone.Everyone is nervous but Tommy and Tubbo try to push it away.

                  (Sap is dead)
Tommy-Tubbo Dream-George
Skeppy-Badboyhalo Puffy-Ranboo
Eret-Fundy. Wilbur-Nikki
Sam-Ponk. Techno-Phil


Puffy POV:

Ranboo and I decided to pair up.I can tell he is nervous so I ended up holding his hand.I followed everyone else as they all proceeded towards the room.We all knew there was no way to escape.The windows were boarded up and the curtains were closed so we couldn't have seen it before we entered the building.

I could also feel myself shaking.I am not usually this scared.I mean who wouldn't be when you get invited to a party that is hosted by a fucking psychopath that loves to see people suffer.A bitch they were.

I look up and face Ranboo who is next to me.His eyes are darting everywhere as he looks like he is looking for someone.I tap him on the shoulder and point to Tommy and Tubbo trying their best to help Karl and Quackity not be too scared but it was clear that they were slightly scared themselves.

Ranboo's eyes lit up as he sees them smiling and comforting everyone.This warms my heart and pushes the thoughts about death away.

I look around and see a tall man walk up to me in a green hoodie.Dream came up to me and patted my shoulder.He gave me a hug and said good luck.He was also scared but not for himself but rather a special someone.

I knew it was George.I could tell he secretly loved flirting with George.I swear when I talked to him on discord he would no stop talk about George.Gogy this Gogy that.It was like he was obsessed.He was obsessed.I could tell all he wanted was everyone to be happy including George but was looks pale and terrified with a few tears in his eyes.Probably from Sapnap dying.I still feel bad for Karl because he had to witness his body first and he was the last person Sapnap talked to before going away

Ranboo and I picked up a card with a barcode on it and I got a price of paper which had a task to do.Stop the leak.I didn't really understand but we kept the two papers since we had to scan them.

We all went into a random elevator with our pair and scanned both barcodes.Our elevator number appeared on the door sign.It showed a 2 with a dim white light.It was today's date.I stood there patiently as a countdown started.

I knew what I had to do.
Quick notice

This game is where a hologram will appear in the shape of  different pipes with a button.If the button turns blue then the pipe is leaking and if it isn't blue then the pipe isn't leaking.If the pipe starts flashing blue then you are running out of time to stop the leak and when it turns red then it is completely leaked.You have three tries to make sure that none of the pipes turn red.Once you have finished your three tries then you have lost the game.

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