Chapter 9.5-The Second Break (pt2)

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Aye I'm back people.

I think the fan art kinda fits this chapter.

Just know I am terrible at writing kissing/romance chapters.

Anyways I hope you enjoy.

(((((((((((((((((End of AN))))))))))))))))

Bad ran to the bathroom and started ranting on how worthless he was and how Skeppy would never like him but Skeepy accidentally overheard the whole thing.


Skeppy POV:


I spoke.My mind couldn't seem to process what just happened.Bad had a crush on me?!

"I-It's not w-what it looks like G-Geppy."Bad stuttered.He was clearly in shock.

I ran up to him and held his hand.He looked away as tears fell down his cheek.

"I-it's okay if you don't feel the same way."-B (Bad).

"But I do fell the same way.I too used to panic whether or not you loved me back."-S (Skeppy)

Still holding his hand,I lifted his chin up and gently kissed him.His lips were soft;they tasted like strawberry and felt like clouds.I waited for this moment for years.Bad wrapped his arms around my neck as I wiped tears off his cheek while still having our lips connected.

Bad was the first to pull away.He had a bright shade of red covering his entire face.

"Wow.I didn't expect you to do that."-B

"Well I can tell you enjoyed this."-S

"So,what does this make us?"-B

"Whatever you want to be."-S

"Can we be official."-B

"Sure that works for me."-S

This time Bad was the one to kiss me.Though it was short,I can't lie and say that I didn't enjoy it.We walked outside and pretty much acted like nothing happened.However,we couldn't stop glancing at each other.

After Bad headed into a different room,I grabbed myself a vision from the hallway and I screamed into it.

But what i didn't realise,there was a microphone that recorded everything.

/////////////////Time skip//////////////

Ponk POV: (Probs the only time)

The TV in the room turned black and the a microphone symbol appeared on the screen.By now everyone was in the same room.

I held Sam's arm as he rubbed my back.Even though we were just friends,to others it would seem like we were dating.I mean that just proves how close we are.

"Hello everyone.Your break time is nearly over.You have five more minutes.The next party game will be a fun obstacle course.Race to the end without falling off or your out."-H (host)

Everyone by now knew what being out meant.That person were to die.I didn't want to die and I am sure no one else would.I am just wondering who would sacrifice their life this time.

"Now let's talk about rules.This is a game of teamwork unless you want to better someone.So your allowed to team.Someone will have to die for this game to be over.In the next game you may not die but here at least one of you have to die."-H

"Anyways I will leave you to talk and I will see you soon.Head to room 69 for the game."-H

The scream turned black and I heard a fox like laugh.

"Lmao 69."Fundy wheezed.

Everyone started giggling and then went back to normal.

"I will protect you."Sam whispered into my ear.

"I will protect you too."I whispered back.

Everyone started heading to room 69 and waited at the door.

Like last time.The door unlocked and swung open.We all stepped in and the door locked behind us.The wall lamps (you know those candle things that hang on the wall) flickered on .Everyone gasped.





Thank you for reading.I hope you enjoyed.Comments and votes will be appreciated.

I have had a really big motivation boost as you can see.I hope I haven't made you wait too long.


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