Chapter 6-A Body Has Been Discovered (Long chapter)

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Minor description about a dead body

Hi boys,girls and everything in between.
Hope you are all doing okay.This is the first death and there is a lot more to come.If you are uncomfortable you can skip to the end of this chapter and I will put a small description on what happened but you should read the Previously.

Everyone has arrived at the party and they get locked in.Everyone heads to the main hall where they all start dancing and doing random things.After a while they decide to explore the mansion and they find some writing in blood.


Suddenly,they hear Karl scream


Techno POV:

I noticed that there was a trail of blood from the writing and it lead to somewhere.

The direction from where Karl's scream came in!

I start to follow the others as they rush their way to the direction of Karl's scream.We run into the room to see...

////////////(POV Switch)//////////////

(Before following Karl's scream)

Dream POV:

I heard Karl's scream and immediately sprinted towards the direction wasn't Sapnap with him.Whatever has happened couldn't be good.The others were struggling to keep up with me other than Skeppy and Bad.They also seemed extremely worried.I remember seeing a trail of blood that lead in the direction of the scream.I hope no one was hurt badly.I ran round the corner and bursted into the room to see...

///////////////(POV Switch)//////////////

Skeppy POV:

Inside the room I saw...

//////////////(POV Switch)//////////////

Third person POV:

They all saw Karl crying next to...
A corpse?!

//////////////(POV Switch)//////////////

Karl POV:

I heard them rushing into the room as I screamed but I didn't want to look up,to look up to their shocked faces so I just payed there sobbing loudly next to..

Sapnap's bleeding body

I didn't want him to go.I didn't want him to leave me like this.Why me,why me,why me,why me.It was all my fault I could have stopped him.


I was with Sapnap walking don't a corridor when I told him that I needed to use the restroom (upstairs there was a restroom and down the stairs there was the main corridor where the writing in blood was)
He was going to wait in the main hall right down the stairs because the bathroom was very close to it and there were a few chairs.

While I used the bathroom I heard someone running up the stairs and into a room (the one he is currently in) I quickly finished what I was doing and I ran into the room to find Sapnap covering his stomach while standing.I walked over to him and asked him what is wrong.He revealed that he was shot in the stomach.

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