Chapter 10 -"You Are Going To Let Go I Will Too"

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Tw:Death and Swearing

Hello everyone thank you for being patient while I took a break.I will probably uploading  more since it is the holidays.

I hope you enjoy this chapter


///////////////(Previously )/////////////

Everyone paired up headed toward the room.Sam and Ponk promised to protect each other.As soon as everyone entered,the door locked behind them and the lights flickered on.

/////////(End of Previously)////////////

Sam POV:

The lights flickered on to reveal an obstacle course but as soon as we looked down we saw to our surprise the floor covered in large spikes.Ponk,my close friend who paired with me,squeezed my arm tightly.I nearly yelped in pain but I managed to hold it in.

A screen in the middle of the left wall turned on and that mother fucker started speaking once again.

"Ah,so you finally arrived.Well as you can see this is an obstacle course and as you probably guessed.This party's theme is death.Of course I couldn't tell you that until the games had started."

"Your task is to complete is the course without falling into the spikes.It is your choice whether to help or sabotage your other teammates.There is only one requirement:either at least one person has to fail or the last person who finished the course will die so either way there will be a death."

"Good luck,you will need it."

And then the screen turned black.

Everyone started chatting once again.Some were cursing,some were panicking and some didn't know how to feel .I turned to the course once again.It wasn't like your ordinary bouncy castle.You had to jump from a platform to another and climb a few steps.It was like parkour in real life.

A timer appeared on the screen and everyone started rushing.Everyone was helping each other.I wondered why the host though we were going to sabotage each other.Ponk suddenly grabbed my arm and ran towards the first jump.Unfortunately we were at the back and Ponk was terrified of death.We were speedrunning the course.To be honest I was feeling a bit dizzy.Then it happened.


(Sadness and death coming up please skip to the summary if you are uncomfortable)





It all happened so fast












Ponk slipped and nearly fell off the edge.

Luckily I grabbed his hand just in time.

I couldn't hold him for long.

"HELP!"I screamed.I didn't want him to die.

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