A Goodbye from Me (Author)

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Hi I am discontinuing this fanfic because I have lot all motivation and energy to keep writing this. (I also forgot the little details of the dream I had, which is what this entire story line is based off of) If you want to know what else happens then you can carry on reading this last post. However, I might make more fanfics in the future cause right now I have GCSEs to revise for.

Rest of the Story line:

During the third break (different POV), Ponk dies from poison by an unknown source and is left in the kitchen foaming at the mouth. Sam for some reason didn't flinch as he knew Ponk found something he shouldn't have (Sam doesn't know what it was) and tried the object hide it away and The Host likely found out about the stealing  and killed Ponk.

Break is over and The Host calls for a game of Duel.Bad is forced to have this duel with some robots but the host didn't expect him to survive. After Bad runs up to Skeppy and kisses him. Alternative scenario could be Bad and Skeppy are forced to have a duel against each other and they both have a gun and they both have bullets. One of them has to die and Bad and Skeppy agree to shoot each other but then Skeppy doesn't shoot and Bad does. Skeppy dies and he says that he knew that Bad was scared to dying so decided to sacrifice himself.

Then there is a break. During the break Eret finds a piece of paper with more initials following from the SPPS but the initials are incomprehensible. However he does notice that there are a few letters missing from the initials list; the letter "G" was missing and some other letters like "x","y","z","a" (basically there is an initial for every single member of the part except The Host -we don't know their real name- and George) . Eret does have suspicions but brushes them away as the next game starts.

The next game is kinda like a parkour game with large spikes no the floor so if you fall you get impaled. Except  it is also like the glass stepping stones in the squid games. Tommy and Tubbo were expected to die as Tommy accidentally stand on the wrong step but Tubbo grabs his arm. Unfortunately, gravity pulled Tubbo down but Tubbo manages to grab onto the ledge with other hand. Ranboo was there and manages to pull Tubbo up but Tommy accidentally slips and falls down. Ranboo tries to grab onto this arm but slips and falls as well. They both hug as they fall to the spikes and get impaled. Tubbo manages to see the gore in detail and is traumatised. (if Bad survives the duel then Skeppy manages to die in this game and Bad has a panic attack). 

The next parts would have been a break and then another game (side and seek but the seeker is the host and if you get found, you die). Most people die except Bad and George (if Skeppy died) or Dream and George (if both Skeppy and Bad dies) but in all scenarios Tubbo survives.

In the break everyone is given a nice fancy meal. One of them is poisoned and Tubbo knows which one but everyone has to eat food and if not everyone dies. Tubbo sits in the corner and eats the poisoned food as he doesn't want to upset everyone when he dies.

The final game is also a final duel where the same rules apply. Either Dream or Bad dies as they shoot themselves (during the break before the meal. Either Dream or Bad (depending on the story line) manages to get enough signal to call the police and send the location details. The police are on their way so George tries to convince (the person who survives in this story line) to not shoot anyone and instead rebel against The Host (and possibly shoot them). Dream/Bad knows that the police aren't coming any time soon so shoots themselves. The police barge in as one of the two dies. 

An hour later George gets dropped to the Hotel and opens the door to the main living room of the Hotel basically a whole floor is rented for this trip) while Radiohead- No Surprises run in the background (the last 2 versus). 

Such a pretty house
And such a pretty garden
No alarms and no surprises (get me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises (get me out of here)
No alarms and no surprises, please (get me out of here)

Then George sits in the sofa with his hands tangled in his hair and staring at the ground trying to process what happened. There is only a small dim light on in the room. George starts to sob but no one comes to comfort him as everyone is dead. Then the new morning sunrise starts as the song in the background ends.

Alternative Ending:

George after sobbing lays on the sofa and falls asleep. He wakes up on the sofa again with Dream next to him asking if he had a good nap. Everyone is hustling around and George questions what is happening. Dream replies with "Did you forget? We have a party to attend to" smiling at George innocently. George is in shock and stares out at the window and sees a shadowy figure smiling at him and the book finishes.

 George is in shock and stares out at the window and sees a shadowy figure smiling at him and the book finishes

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(This is what the smile of the shadowy figure looked like)

The haunted party (Discontinued) (Please read description)Where stories live. Discover now