Chapter 11 -The Third Break (pt.1)

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This fan art is really good credits to the artist.

Since the holidays have ended I will be uploading less cause I want to focus on and school.

Anyways this is the next break.I hope you enjoy.


Sam and Ponk died that's pretty much it


Dream POV:

I promised myself that I would not let anyone else get hurt,especially not him.I slightly turn my head to see the back of the short brunette.His hair was messy and his goggles made him look more perfect than he already was.

"I swear you're obsessed with him."A voice spoke.

My head spun right back to face another brunette but taller with glasses and fancy clothing with a red cloak that was gently placed on his shoulders.

"O-oh sorry I didn't see you there Technoblade."-D. (Dream)

"Mmh it's fine."-T (Techno)

"You look deep in thought.Wanna talk about it."-D

"Eh,it's nothing."-T

"Oh,okay.Do you have any advice?I need advice on how to ask out your crush."-D

"Oh sure I can help but I already know who it is,"-T

"I-it's definitely not anyone you know"-D

"It's George,"-T

I sigh.

"It is pretty obvious have a crush on him.I am surprised he hasn't noticed.Anyways you should ask him out.Even though I don't think today is the best day.You should do it as soon as possible.I mean we don't know if this is our last day.And now everyone is calming down so I think you should do it soon."-T

"Thanks Tech I will see you soon,"I say as I turn to walk off.

POV Switch:
Techno POV:

I watch as Dream walks off.Quackity  walks up to me and I say
"Everything is going according to plan.Phase 1 is complete,"

"Good job Technoblade,"Quackity replies and we separate.

///////////POV CHANGE///////////////

Piss Baby (AKA Dream) POV:

I stood facing a window.Unfortunately it was shatter proof so I couldn't smash it even if I tried so I continued to ponder on how I could confess to George.

"What are you thinking about Dream,"

As if on cue,George appeared next to me.A small bit visible smile plastered on his face and a few strands of his fluffy hair slightly covering his forehead.

I can't say it to him.


No not in this situation.


What the hell are you talking about it's now or never.


I can't do it no no no no.

"Earth to Dreeaam,"



I shook my head and turned to face George.He stood there with his adorable smile with his hair perfectly positioned on his forehead.God he was perfect like always.

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