Chapter 4-Feelings.

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This is a chapter for both DNF and Skephalo.I have lately no been motivated at all to post so I am posting fillers.This may be the last filler though.I hope you are well.Enjoy.


They all went to a Café where Dream and George fell for each other.

Third person POV:

Few hours later.They are all at some sort of small woodland area because they have nothing to do.Dream and Skeppy are talking with Sapnap.George and Bad are talking with Eret and Fundy while Nikki,Wilbur,Tommy,Tubbo,Ranboo,
Phil,Puffy and Karl are making flower crowns and talking.Techno is reading a book. Quackity lies under a tree nearby daydreaming.

3rd Person POV:

(Focused on Dream and Skeppy currently)

*Should I tell him about George?Dream thought.Skeppy probably knows how to handle something like this or maybe I could ask Bad about how to handle this situation.*

*I have never had a crush on a boy before.What if he doesn't like me.I mean he just seems so straight.*

"Dream~".Skeppy spoke softly tying to get his attention."Does Dreamy boy have a little crush".Skeppy chuckled.

"I do not but I could ask you the same thing,you were also dreaming about something".Dream replied.

"Okay fine I may have a slight crush but you have got to tell me who this lucky person is.I am dying to know".Skeppy bounced excitedly.

"Okay fine but you have to tell me who you like as well or I am not going to tell you".Dream replied in an interested tone.

———————(Author Note)——————

Haha I won't tell you the next part anyways this is the last filler chapter.

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