Chapter 8 -Let the games begin (Pt1)

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Tw: Swearing

Have a great day


///////////////End of AN/////////////

Tommy POV:

The screen turned on and the bitch's voice appeared.God is was so fucking annoying and robotic like.I hated it.It kept ringing in my ears.It reminded me of my alarm that constantly rang for when I had to wake up for College.

"Hello again ladies and gentlemen.Your break time is up so stop crying and now let the games begin.Unfortunately your friend broke the rules by stealing some papers so that is why I killed him."The voice spoke.

"You fucking bitch!I swear to god if you come near any of us I will kill you.Sapnap didn't deserve to die.If anyone deserves to die it is you."A voice next to me yelled.

I swivelled my head to see Wilbur was there standing menacingly facing the screen.I smiled slightly and I stood in the same position as him.I promised myselfI would stay by my side and I know he would stay by mine.

I adored him.He was like a brother to me and I was willing to follow in his footsteps even if it killed me.

"Well listen up this is my house so my rules.You will obey me and if you don't.Well you already have an idea of what will happen.I will kill you if you cross me.I'm not scared I have nothing to lose unlike you.You have your friends so if you don't want to see them suffer badly then you will listen to me."The voice growled back.

Wilbur took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Anyways this game is about luck and teamwork.You will be led to a room and at the door is two hats.You will find a partner and one will pick something out one hat and the other will pick out from the other hat."-V (voice)

I looked around and my eyes met Tubbo's and his met mine.It was like he was talking to me but through his mind I nodded my head to give him the signal that I wanted to stay with him and he nodded back.

"One of the group will be out of the games if they get the unlucky elevator.This elevator will be the last one to complete all of their tasks.Of course if you want to sacrifice yourself and not do the task then go ahead it is your choice."The voice continued.

"Now for the rules.No cross teaming and no telling anyone your elevator number.Just walk in and scan your number on the scanner so that your elevator number appears on the black screen.On that screen your tasks will appear.Your group as three lives and if you screw up all three times then your out.If you finish too late then your also out."

I could feel myself shaking.I felt a hand grab my own and when I turned I was surprised to see Techno.His crown shined slightly with heeled that matched his read cloak.He also had pure black boot with a belt and a white t-shirt..It was well organised considering that he didn't want to come in a cloak and hated dressing fancy.

I controlled my breathing as I watched the screen turn black and the camera stop flashing.Suddenly,everyone started moving toward another person asking each other if they wanted to team up.I watched as Techno walked up Phil and rested his hand on the other's shoulder.

I felt a hand wrap mine once again.It was Tubbo.My best friend.A person who was always there for me,even when I was angry,sad,happy he was always there.I knew I wanted to pair up with him because if I would have to spend my final minutes with anyone it would be him and I believe he also thinks this for me.

"Wanna go to the room.We have got a map of all the available rooms.I heard there is a basememt but it is pretty much a giant maze with multiple rooms scattered everywhere.It's okay if your a bit scared cause I am too but we will make it out together."

I smiled.

"And we are going to hit spit spackle the fuck out of that bitch."He continued.

"Yeah we won't be alive no mo"I joined in.

After yelling at each other and reassuring that we are Gino to be fine if we worked together.We started heading to the room 69 where the first game would begin.

I got a discord call going and asked everyone to join so that if we were separated we could speak to each other and if one of us was to die we could say our last words.

And then we headed out.


And there is the first part to this chapter done I wanted to post as soon as possible.The next part will have DEATH and someone with P at the start of their name will die.There are only a few people with the letter P is you can easily guess.

The chapters from now on may contain swearing.

Have a great day.

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|__|. (< Terrible Ranboo thing)


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